20| Beacon Hills is where your heart lies

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I stare at the black dress hanging by the window. I barely slept last night. Alls I could see was her moments before her death when I closed my eyes.

It doesn't help that this isn't my normal bed. We came to New Orleans yesterday morning with her body. It was the only right thing to do. She spent most of her life raising me but before that she was a New Orleans witch. Her body belongs here with her ancestors.

It's weird being in my old room. Under different circumstances I'd love it. But I can't find any joy in it when I'm here for the funeral of my aunt. Davina may not have been my blood but she was my family.

"You should be getting ready."

I turn my head to Freya.

"I am ready."

She walks in and sits beside me.

"Everyone's at the cemetery."

I slowly nod.

"I'll change and be downstairs."

She kisses the side of my head before leaving my room. I grab the dress, changing into it. I don't put any make up on or do anything to my hair. I slide my shoes on and head downstairs.

She was right. Everyone is already gone. She stayed behind to keep an eye on me. I'm guessing that was all because of my father. He's worried.

She takes my hand and we leave the compound. I don't say anything the entire walk. I lead the way through the cemetery like I've been here before. And I guess I have when I was very young.

I stop when I see the large crowd of people. They all turn around and look at me. Immediately they form an opening for me. I walk through with my hand still in Freya's. As I pass them they bow down. I get to the front and see my family. The only person missing is Scott. He opted to stay home since he didn't really know what to tell his mom.

I walk towards my father. I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life when I got here. I fell into his arms and was violently sobbing. He didn't know what to do. How to get rid of my pain. He just let me cry and I needed that.

Freya walks in between us and onto the small platform. She takes a deep breath and looks at a piece of paper.

"Davina Claire was loved by every witch here in New Orleans.. and around the world. She was kind but most importantly brave." Freya says. "We had our differences but she was family. She proved herself loyal when she offered to take guardianship over my dear niece."

She talks for a few more minutes. She looks at me and I shake my head. I don't want to speak. I don't think I'll be able to. My father's grip around my shoulders tightens as the ceremony continues.

It doesn't feel real. I never thought I'd lose her this way. It was so sudden and I didn't have a chance to stop it. I was too late because my anger at her outshined it.

Back at the compound everyone gives me my space. I look up as Olivia walks towards me. Kol made her come because he doesn't trust her. She's been locked up here.

"Where the hell have you been?"

I haven't really had a chance to talk to her. Everything was so sudden.

"I came because I knew you needed me."

"Now?" I ask. "I needed you years ago."

"I admit my timing isn't exactly perfect."

"It's far from."

The more I look at her, the more I see our mother.

"I wasn't the daughter our mother wanted."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"She was waiting for you." She says. "The Crimson Witch and I wasn't that."

I know how much my mother loved me, I guess I can't really imagine her not loving any of her children. She gave up Scott to protect him.

"My powers aren't like normal witches because I'm not a witch. I'm a mutant."

"A mutant?"

She holds her hand up and lightning starts crackling in her palm.

"That's actually pretty cool."

She closes her hand.

"Why'd you come now?"

"A war is coming for you, Aurora, and I can't keep sitting in the shadows." She says. "I refuse to let them win."

I know a war is coming. I know my enemies are rallying. I just don't know what to do. I feel so lost.

"How are you feeling?"

"She was dying for days.. and I didn't even realize because I was so angry at her."

"Davina wouldn't want you to feel sorry for yourself."

"Sorry for myself? I don't feel sorry, I blame myself."

"The blame doesn't not fall upon your shoulders, Aurora.. you didn't cast that spell."

"It doesn't matter. I can't bring her back."

I look down at my hands. My mind is on revenge. I want to make whoever cast that spell on Davina to pay. I want to inflict such harm upon them that they wished they were dead. And then I will grant them that wish.

"I can't stay here.." I stand. "I need to go back home."

I walk up to my room and gather my things. I walk down the stairs with my bag in hand. I set it down, turning around to my father.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay."

I take a deep breath and look around. My memories were taken from me for so long. And part of me wanted to come back here and relive those memories.

"New Orleans will always have a special place in my heart." I say. "But this is not my home. At least not anymore."

"Beacon Hills is where your heart lies."

I look back a t him. Beacon Hills is a part of me. It's so heavily engrained in me, especially now. I lost my best friend there and now I lost Davina. Any normal, sane person would flee. I refuse to run.

"I'll find my way back here eventually.."

"But for now you need to go home."

"And I'm going home with Olivia."


"Are you insane?"

I look between Kol and my father. I know neither of them trust her, and to be honest I don't know if I do either. I would've detected her lie when we were talking. And I'm more than capable to protect myself.

"I'm coming!"

Lizzie runs down the stairs with her bag.

"No." My father snaps. "I will not let you leave with a stranger!"

"This stranger is my sister. And you may not trust her but I do."


"I am not asking."

"Fine but Lizzie is not coming."

"What?" Lizzie snaps. "Why?"

"I said she could."

Caroline walks out from down the hall. My father shakes his head. I know this family makes him want to tear his hair out.

"I'm not letting Aurora go back home alone. It became my home too."

He looks back at us.

"You're not dealing with children, dad." I say. "We're powerful. I'm going to protect my home."

A sense of pride washes over his face. He slowly nods. I throw a portal and we walk through it.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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