17| I'm not scared

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"She will kill us."

"She's a baby."

"Do you understand the power your baby will have in the near future?"

"I will not let her go."

"She will be the end of us."

I open my eyes and look at the painting in front of me. Alls I remember is staring at the easel with no idea what I was going to paint.

I just kind of zoned out. I started hearing a memory that isn't mine. My mother's voice echoed in my head and I listened.

"What an interesting painting, Aurora."

I look at the teacher and force a smile. I set my brush and pallet down. I look at the painting in more detail.

It's of two women. My mother in a much younger light with a dark haired woman. I didn't recognize the other voice in my head. This must be her. Beside her head I wrote a name.

"Agatha Harkness.."

I grab the painting with my bag and walk out of class. Stiles runs after me.

"You okay?"


"You painted with your eyes closed."

"Oh." I say. "I'm fine."

"You don't have to lie to me."

I look at him.

"You can actually help me with something."

I grab him by his collar and drag him out to my car.

"I can't skip school."

"Boo fucking hoo." I say. "You'll live."

I put the painting in my back seat before getting in. I drive to my house where I know Davina is at work and Kol is doing what Kol does during the day. Eat.

We walk inside together and I can tell he's hesitant. I don't know why. It's not like I would hurt him. I can't. I care for him too much.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't know there was this secret life you had." He grabs my hand. "And I'm sorry you had to deal with that."

I snatch my hand away. I managed the only way I could. Anger had gotten me through it. I've been so angry.

"Your mom was witch. A powerful one in a long line of witches." I let out a deep sigh. "The Gajos were a coven of witches who resided here in Beacon Hills."

He looks at me intrigued.

"They were long allies of the Bardin's which is how our mothers became best friends. Claudia taught me a lot about magic. She told me that I was bigger than what everyone said I was."

I can feel the tears starting to form. I haven't really talked about Claudia since she died. I didn't know how. She was so much more than just my mother's closest friend. She was her sister. She was my aunt.

She was probably one of the only people who didn't believe what everyone said. She saw the good in me when everyone saw the child of Klaus Mikaelson.

"Which was?"

"A monster." I say. "My father is not a great person.. a lot of people are terrified of him. He's actually borderline psychotic."

"Scott told me he's nuts."

Scott doesn't see him as I do. He sees what everyone else does. He doesn't know how he changed.

"He changed."

I Love You, I'm Sorry | T.W.Where stories live. Discover now