Chapter 1

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They are both outside in a clearing in the woods. The air is still, and the grass is cool under their bare feet.

Laina sits on a low, flat stone, while Tristan sprawls lazily on the ground in front of her, soaking up the sunlight. Both of them bask in the moment of peace and quiet, enjoying the absence of any worries or responsibilities.

Laina, who is usually more pensive, seems to be completely relaxed. Her eyelids are closed, and she is leaning back against the boulder with her chin tilted up towards the sun. Her hair is loose today, and it cascades down her shoulders in dishevelled waves.

Tristan, meanwhile, lies on his back with his arms crossed behind his head. His shirt is unbuttoned, revealing a glimpse of his tanned chest, and his eyes are half-open as he watches the clouds drift slowly across the sky.

Neither of them feels the need to speak. They can communicate perfectly well through a glance or a single word. Right now, they simply enjoy being in each other's presence, without wanting to practice or worry about anything. For a brief moment, they are just two young people, living their lives without a care in the world.

The moment of tranquillity is interrupted by a bird calling out from a nearby tree. Laina opens her eyelids and glances towards the sound, her face expressionless. Tristan turns over onto his stomach and looks up at her with a lazy grin. "What's the matter?" He asks. "You look bored."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Hardly," she replies dryly. "I was purely enjoying the silence."

"Hm," Tristan says, propping himself up onto his forearms. "You know, silence is overrated."

"I disagree," Laina retorts. "Silence is a rare and valuable commodity. The world is far too loud regularly." Tristan laughs quietly and shakes his head. "You worry too much. You need to learn to relax and be entertained by the chaos."

Laina raises an eyebrow. "And you, on the other hand, don't worry enough. I'm surprised you've made it this long without any serious injuries." He shrugs with a smirk. "What can I say? I have a talent for avoiding danger." She snorts. "More like a talent for stumbling into trouble."

"Hey, I resent that," Tristan protests, feigning offence. "I am a master of discretion, thank you very much." She gives him a skeptical look. "You, discreet? I seem to recall a certain incident involving a tavern brawl and a very angry farmer." He winces slightly but tries to play it off. "Ah, well, that isolated incident."

She smiles faintly. "Oh, really? And what about the time you tried to pick a lock and ended up getting arrested for attempted burglary?" He looks indignant. "That was a misunderstanding! I was framed, I swear."

Laina chuckles softly at his excuse. "Right," she says, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "And I suppose that time you accidentally insulted a nobleman's wife was a misunderstanding as well?" Tristan grins sheepishly and scratches the back of his head. "Okay, maybe I have a tendency to get myself into trouble. But I always find a way out, don't I?"

"You do have a knack for that," she admits. "Honestly, you should try to be more careful. I can't always be there to bail you out, you know." He pouts playfully. "Aw, are you saying you don't fancy rescuing me from my own stupidity?"

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