Chapter 13

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Lysander Rhyndir hailed from a land far to the east, his kingdom a formidable domain with a long and storied history. Drachenreich. In this distant realm, dragons were not feared or hunted, but revered and respected as noble creatures, akin to the gods themselves.

The people of Lysander's kingdom were known to form bonds with dragons, becoming their riders and guardians. It was a sacred practice, passed down through generations, and a rite of passage for many young nobles. The bond between rider and dragon was a connection that transcended mortal ties, forming a deep, almost mystical understanding.

In contrast, the royal family's kingdom, Aevorana, harboured a deep-seated fear and suspicion towards dragons. This animosity stemmed from legends and stories of dragons that had once wreaked havoc upon the land, leaving destruction and death in their wake.

The royal family, and many of their subjects, believed it best to keep these fearsome creatures at bay, and the art of dragon riding was largely lost, save for a few brave souls who dared to defy the prevailing sentiments.

Lysander had a brother, Lucius Rhyndir, who shared his love for adventure and a fascination with the world beyond their kingdom's borders. Like Lysander, Lucius had cultivated a strong bond with a magnificent dragon, a creature with iridescent scales and a fiercely independent spirit.

Lucius's lover, a skilled and cunning sorceress named Morgana Valens, hailed from a neighbouring land. She commanded dark magic with ease, a power fuelled by her mysterious past and her thirst for knowledge. Together, they made a formidable pair, a beacon of danger and intrigue among their own people.

Lucius and Lysander's shared upbringing was one of curiosity, exploration, and a passion for the unknown. Growing up, the brothers would often embark on expeditions beyond their kingdom's borders, learning from the diverse cultures and customs they encountered. Their close relationship and mutual respect for each other's talent and abilities grew stronger with each journey.

Lucius first met Morgana during one of their escapades, when they unknowingly ventured too close to her hidden tower. Captivated by her enigmatic aura and commanding presence, Lucius Rhyndir pursued a friendship that would eventually blossom into a forbidden romance, one that defied the rules and expectations of their society.

Morgana, whose past remained shrouded in secrecy, was drawn to Lucius's boldness, his willingness to challenge the status quo, and his thirst for intelligence, which paralleled her own. Their love grew in the shadows, away from the watchful eyes of their kin and the prying eyes of those who would condemn their union.

Though their love was a secret among the stars and the wind, it was a secret that fed the flames of their bond, creating a passion that could not be extinguished by any force of nature or the whispers of their shared past.


As Morgana walked through the lush grove, her fingers lightly grazing the verdant leaves, she found herself lost in the beauty of the natural world around her. The sun's warmth seeped into her skin, creating an aura of serenity as the rustling of leaves and the gentle hum of insects whispered tales of ancient times.

It was in this moment of peaceful contemplation that Morgana heard the distant sound of wings cutting through the air. She looked up, her eyes tracking the graceful form of a dragon soaring high above the trees, its iridescent scales gleaming like a rainbow amidst the azure sky.

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