Chapter 30

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"I thought you were out helping with the harvest, Alia," the young person said, pushing off the pillar and moving to meet her friend. "Or has my father put you on guard duty again?"

The nicknamed one chuckled, her deep voice resonating in the quiet air. "Aye, he has," she admitted, rolling her eyes. "He says I am his best spearwoman, so he does not trust anyone else to keep watch over 'fragile' you."

"Fragile," repeated Morgana with a scoff. "I'd like to see you take my place for a day and deal with Father's endless advice and orders. You'd be begging to go back to guarding cornfields." Andralia let out a bark of laughter, her broad shoulders relaxing.

"You think I haven't had to deal with it already?" She asked, a sly grin tugging at the corner of her lips. "He's been training since I was old enough to hold a sword, remember? I've heard more of his 'wisdom' than you have, I reckon." Morgana smiled, a bit of the tightness in her chest easing at her friend's levity.

"True," she agreed. "But you haven't had him as a father. He is insufferable, always telling me how I should act, how I should fight, how I should live. I swear, if he had his way, I'd be betrothed and pregnant already."

Andralia Taldon grimaced at that. "Don't, Gods, don't say that," she groaned, her face twisting into a comical expression. "The mere thought of you wedded to some dull village boy makes my stomach turn."

"And mine," Morgana echoed, shuddering visibly. "I've no desire to be some man's broodmare, thank you very much. I want...more, Alia. I want adventure, freedom, and a life of my own choosing. Not some predictable future here in the village, bound to a man I don't and never will love." Her friend's expression softened.

She moved closer, putting a heavy hand on Morgana's shoulder. "And you should have all those things," she said, her voice sincere. "You are too fierce, too clever, too everything to be trapped here. You deserve a chance to explore the world, to make a name for yourself that isn't just 'the chieftain's daughter'." A flash of gratitude and appreciation passed over Morgana's face.

Andralia, as always, understood her better than anyone else. She had known her since they were children, had seen her grow from a shy, awkward girl into the warrior she was today. "And what about you?" She proposed, looking up at her friend. "Do you not want more?" Andralia Taldon smiled wryly, the gesture not quite reaching her eyes.

"What I want," she said slowly, "is to ensure your safety, whether your father allows it or not. But..." her voice trailed off, and her gaze became distant, as if she was gazing into a future neither of them could truly see. "I wouldn't mind an adventure or two, if I am being honest."

Morgana Lavens studied her friend, her sharp eyes noting the way her fingers fiddled with the edge of her tunic, a habit she only fell into when she was lost in thought. "Is that all you want, Alia?" She asked quietly, her voice low enough so it would not carry beyond the two of them. "Just an adventure?"

Andralia's gaze refocused, her eyes meeting Morgana's, and for a moment, a vulnerable look flickered across her features, something that looked almost like yearning. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, replaced by the familiar stoic mask she usually wore. "What else is there?" She said, the nonchalance in her voice sounding forced.

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