No control

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Notes: Ok so this first chapter has no Harumi x Lloyd interactions. So skip to the next chapter or the one after that. Hope u like xx.

Lloyds POV:

"LLOYD FOCUS" Kai yells.

I've been training for hours, where is Master Wu when you need him.

Annoyed, I whip my head towards Kai with nothing more than a glance before twisting my body and sending my leg flying into Coles stomach. Cole crashes into the tree 8 meters behind him, grunting.


Cole pulls himself up grimacing, "I thought I was the one with super strength." 

I give him a reluctant smile but what I feel is far from happy.

What in the first Spinjitzu master..?

"Must be all that extra training I've been giving him," Kai boasts.

Yeah it must be the extra training. An uneasy feeling settles into my stomach.

"Okay Cole you're out I'm in," Kai says barely glancing at Cole but instead has his focus on me.

Cole nods and moves out of the circle painted white on the grass. Flames engulf Kai's hands which are held by his side ready to be launched. I search for the familiar surge of energy that leads to my  power. It comes quickly. Too quickly. The spheres of energy that hide my hands are huge. Bigger than I thought they would be.

Kai's eyes grew wide but he quickly covered it up with a smirk. He planted his feet in the ground bracing himself before launching a ball of fire at me. I quickly dodge and through a ball of energy at him, I sprint towards him in the same second. He dodges the energy but I sweep my foot underneath his, tripping him and sending him flying towards the ground, face first.

I kneel on his back with my right leg, trapping his left arm with the other and trapping his other arm with my right hand. My remaining hand still has a ball of energy surrounding it and I use it as a threat. Forcing him to yield.

"Ugh, fine, you win," he mutters.

I smile with triumph.

Until a pain slices through me. Unexplainable pain. Excruciating pain. I clutch my head. It hurts. Stop. STOP. My mouth opens but no words fall out, a silent scream. I don't know what is happening and I don't care. Just make the pain go away. I want to scream. I want to yell. But I can't. I feel like someone is ripping the life out of me, taking everything but my pain. Just take it, please take my pain. Power engulfs me. I see nothing but the power that is too much. I unleash it. Energy flies out of me, in a circle, destroying anything it comes to contact with.

My body goes numb. I collapse. And everything goes dark. 

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