Chap. 35 - The Hunt Begins

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Nunes: - No! -

Forio: - Damn! Stop them! -

Both Jedi and Padawans joined the fray. Fourteen against one should mean a certain victory, but nothing could be further from the truth. Five lightsabers lunged at the cybor in a synchronized attack, but its powerful robotic arms and martial skills drove its attackers back.

The hunters surrounded the prey, but that was an advantage that did not apply when fighting a being as Machiavellian as General Grievous. Not in this place. Not in this darkness. The cybor, rather than feeling worried, seemed to enjoy it, and his coughing laughter was all the necessary sign. The cyborg was not the prey in this scenario... He was the hunter.

Greivous: - Venid si os atreveis... Eatis... Je je je *cof* *cof*

Pablo: - NO! Wambam wait! -

After a roar of fury, the Wookiee master lunged forward. She was the strongest of the group, and perhaps could overcome the cyborg with mere brute strength. One of his light blades from his double saber brutally impacted against the Grievous's lightsabers, but it was not enough to make him lose his balance, much less, when he clung to the ground with his metal claws.

Grievous did not hesitate to counterattack, and the Jedi had to react quickly to avoid losing an arm in the attempt. Everything was too dark, and the light from the sabers was all the illumination they had. Grievous's mask was only illuminated by his own lightsabers. Green on one side. Blue on the other. A nightmare image.

Eekar Ori: Finish him! Now! -

Several of the Jedi rushed forward. An attack of this magnitude should be impossible to dodge. You know light in all directions, ready to tear the metal apart and put an end to such an abomination once and for all. But instead of feeling worried, Grievous laughed in satisfaction.

The cyborg sabers went out, and his silhouette vanished before the Jedi's eyes in a fraction of a second, but when the lightsabers met in the center, the terrifying metal being had disappeared without a trace.

The Jedi gave in to a momentary fear, as they listened to the cyborg's marked footsteps on the walls, the columns, the ceiling. Everywhere. The place was too dark to be able to see anything, and Grievous was so dead inside that the Force itself was almost non-existent, much less even than the inside of Roy himself, so not even those most advanced in the use of such ability they could destroy them.

The cold of the place, the darkness, the metallic footsteps, the bark of Onex. It all created a scare zone, where the only lights were the glowing blades of deadly energy weapons. But these could barely illuminate the meters around them. After that point, everything was an absolute abyss. Then, the canine's voice was brutally silenced.

Edino: - ¡Onex! ¡ARHHH! -

The young human's scream followed the wail of his pet and best friend. No one could even see both fell, but worrying claw marks were shown on their bodies that crossed the corpses as if they were mere sheets of paper. That metal monster did not need his lightsabers to kill his opponents. He himself was a complete murder machine.

Roy: - Shit! A circle! Make a circle! Already! Already! -

At the young Padawan's shout, everyone present hurried to a halfway point. Cover their backs, don't leave openings. A desperate race. A race, where Master Forio never reached the finish line, while his lightsaber fell to the ground, lacking a hand to hold it. A death that did not provoke a scream of agony, since his severed throat would not be able to do so.

Tead: - Damn! Does anyone see anything!? -

Voolvif: - Eyes ahead! Don't leave blind spots! -

Pablo: - Stay focused! Roy, can you see something!? -

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