Animal (poolverine, angst to smutt)

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This was supposed to be angst, but I didn't know where to take it, so it turned into smutt real fast. Enjoy!

Morning, again. He felt sluggish and heavy, his body refused to move, but he had too. He had work to do and people to be there for. His muscles tensed as he sat up, sitting on the side of the pull out bed for a second so he could gather his thoughts.

Honestly, he wasn't expecting to feel this horrible. He hadn't drank as much the night before, and usually, it took a lot more than that to combat the healing mutation. Sometimes, he wishes he couldn't heal. He wasn't suicidal specifically, but he certainly wouldn't mind drinking or smoking himself to death.

Logan takes a deep breath, the old wood that made up the living room filled his senses. It was certainly more soothing than the smell of the whiskey he'd left out. "Fuck..." He mutters, picking up the, now wasted, whiskey and throwing it in the trash.

He lets out a heavy sigh. Everything he did felt heavy, it didn't used to though. Even after the adamantium, he was young and strong, still available emotionally. He used to be able to breathe softly, used to be able to move without feeling his adamantium coated bones weighing him down.

A loud nuisance shook him from his thoughts. Wade stepped into the living room, ranting and gesticulating about something that happened at the store between him and an elderly lady. Logan could not give less of a shit for Wade's story, and the jabbering hammered into his head.

Wade finally paused, noticing how tense and unresponsive Logan was. "What got in your pants this morning?" Wade teases as he spreads out across the pull out bed. Logan was shooting daggers at Wade, hoping he'd get the hint and leave.

"Woah woah, what's up, big guy?" Wade says, sitting up and sounding a bit more genuine with his usual foolish tone. He observed the wolverine, noticing the hint of whiskey on the man and the bags under his eyes.

Logan was clenching and unclenching his fists, trying to center himself. He felt everywhere, he couldn't think one thought at a time, and his breathing turned ragged. Logan mumbles under his breath, but Wade can't make it out. He noticed the sudden change in demeanor though, and grew a bit more concerned for Logan.

Logan takes a deep breath although he can't stop his body from trembling. He could feel all of his emotions bubbling to the surface and that made him panic more. He couldn't lose it right now, not in front of Wade, anyone but Wade. Logan's eyes darted around, looking anywhere but at Wade. He could feel the mercs gaze on him and it made his trembling body tense up.

Logan finally spoke, "Quit looking at me before I gut you." he spits out, hoping to get Wade to leave or do something other than stare at him. His breathing was shaky now, waiting for a cocky reply from Wade.

"Are you okay?" Logan was shocked by how genuine Wade's words sounded. It wasn't a dirty joke or a mean comment, just genuine concern for Logan's well-being. The question made him choke up, his feelings had never been considered before and the small act of just asking, caused tears that he desperately tried to hide.

"M' fine." Logan grumbles out, trying to keep the irritated cover up. He was a grown, 200 something year old man, he should not be crying to his cancer-ridden-roomate.

Hey, yeah, Deadpool here. That was ableist and I hope you get canceled for this you sick fuck.

"Wanna talk about what's really going on, Wolvie? Or just wanna let it stew until you snap." Wade raises an eyebrow-or lack of an eyebrow-at the older man. "C'mon, it's much more fun to be eaten out than having something eating at you from the inside." Wade quips, unable to keep the serious attitude for very long.

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