Need help? (Scogan, smutt)

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Sleeping was hard for Logan. He was never tired enough to sleep nor did he want to sleep. He often had nightmares that would discourage him from even trying to sleep. Logan wandered the halls of the mansion mindlessly. He was extremely bored, there was never anything to do while everyone was asleep.

Logan paused outside of Scotts door, he was caught off guard by the sounds of groaning. Logan stays outside of the door, listening in. Scott was moaning gently behind the door. The sound of Scott moaning his name made Logan's blood flood down to his dick so fast.

Logan's pupils shrink with desire as he continues to listen. Finally he opens Scott's door without knocking, his eyes landing on Scott jerking off on his bed. Scott sits up quickly, hiding himself under a blanket as fast as he can.

"Don't stop on my behalf." Logan grunts out softly. Scott's face was flush with embarrassment and lust and his breathing was heavy.

"Couldn't sleep?" Scott stutters out, trying to start a conversation to distract from his obvious hard on. He wasn't sure how much Logan had heard.

Logan rolled his eyes and approached Scott, crawling onto his bed and above Scott. Scott was breathing erratically as his brain tried to keep up, he looked up at Logan above him, his glasses covering the need in his eyes.

Logan straddles him, grinding against him softly while he watches Scott's face for a reaction. Scott gasped out, his hands flicking to Logan's hips to hold him steady on top of him. Logan grabs Scott's face to make him look up at him again.

"This is what you do at night? Think about me and touch your pretty little cock? You spend all day pretending to hate me and here you are moaning my name." Logan's voice is low and husky, he moves closer down towards Scotts neck, letting his beard rub against his sensitive skin. His teeth graze Scotts neck lightly before he starts to suck and bite at his neck.

"D'you have lube?" Logan mumbles against his skin. Scott's mind was so clouded he didn't respond. He finally processed the question and reached to his bedside drawer, fumbling with it until he took out a lube packet. Logan snatched the packet and squirted some onto Scott's dick, stroking him slowly to spread it evenly. Scott moaned at the sensation, the lube was cold but Logan's hands on him felt so nice.

Logan grunts softly and lines himself up. Scott's hips bucked impatiently but the older man held him down. He whined desperately "Logan please".

Logan smirked and slowly sat down on Scott's dick, feeling every vein and twitch that came with the movement. Logan paused when he got to the base, letting himself feel the stretch. Scott squirmed under him needing to feel more of him, Logan obeyed the silent request and started rocking back and forth on him, loving the feel of Scotts cock sliding in and out of him.

"Fuck" Scott moans out, his hands tangled into Logans hair, pulling him closer to his body as his hips thrust up against him. Logan lets out a low growl "I'm not fucking kissing you. This means nothing between us I'm just helping you out." Logans voice faltered slightly when he pushed down as Scott thrusted up, grazing his prostate.

Scott nods, although he was dissapointed he was so blissed out by the experience that he couldn't even complain. Logan sped up when he felt Scott getting close, he wrapped his hand around his own cock and stroked himself to the rhythm of his thrusts. His thick grunts were a contrast to Scotts desperate moans.

Logan bit onto Scotts neck as he came, Scott followed quickly after to the feeling of Logan squeezing around him. Logan kept moving to make sure he got every drop out of Scott. Scott was panting, his face flush and glowing with the post-orgasm feel. Logan slid off of him, careful to not get any dripping on the bed. He looked over Scott's form once more and left his room without another word.

689 words

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