He's not the annoying one for once... (Poolverine)

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This one is really short but a request by my friend :) I'm happy to do requests PLEASE If you have a scenerio I'll write it, probably going to do a scogan one next

Logan had been riling Wade up all day. Which was impressive since Wade typically just let it slide and made a joke about it, but Wade was particularly frustrated today, and he couldn't seem to let go of Logan's comments.

"Can you stop being an asshole..." Wade mumbles, he was embarrassed that he couldn't just joke about it and move on like usual.

"I'm not being an asshole" Logan replies, hiding a small smirk. He was so pleased with himself that he could piss off Wade for once.

Wade tenses, noticing his smile. That somehow irritated him even more "Stop." He speaks through grit teeth, trying to keep himself from snapping at the older man.

"Stop what?" Logan wouldn't even admit that he's doing this on purpose and it was driving Wade crazy. This was so far out of Wade's comfort zone, he hated recognizing his emotions instead of burying it in self-deprecating humor. He hated even more that Logan was the one doing this to him. He would probably kill himself before he would let Logan know how to piss him off.

Hold on, pause. This isn't right, this isn't me?! What the fuck are you writing


This is so out of character!

I've legit written Logan pounding you into the floor of your apartment

That's more like it, why isn't there more of that?

Because I like angst and because my friend requested this...

Why aren't you like all the other perverted poolverine fans?! Just write Logan being an animal on and in my chocolate starfish!

"You're awfully quiet" Logan interrupts

Wow okay just ignore me then.

"Did I get on your nerves a bit too much?" Logan raises an eyebrow at the merc.

Wade glares at the author, Logan glances at where his eyes were but sees nothing. "You good, bub?" Logan's eyebrows squeezed together as he watched Wade with a confused expression. Logan snapped his fingers in front of Wade's face, gaining his attention.

Wade hummed in acknowledgement. "I'm gonna sleep it off." He mutters as he stands and walks out of the room.

This is bullshit.

Wade growled

Damn right I did! Fuck off! Dont watch me sleep you fucking freak.

Wade grumbled as he slipped on his unicorn pajamas and got into the messy bed, pulling the covers over him completely as if hiding.

Hiding from you!

Logan sat at the kitchen table, severely confused. He shook his head and went back to drinking.

411 words

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