I don't care what you look like (poolverine, fluff)

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Logan watched Wade wander the apartment, it wasn't unusual for Wade to wear his mask inside, Logan supposed it brought him a sort of comfort. But Logan certainly didn't like the restriction from Wade. He wanted to caress his skin and kiss his lips.

He watched the younger man intently, hoping to glare the mask off his face. Wade stops when he notices Logan's gaze hasn't left his masked face in the past 30 minutes.

“Like what you see, Peanut?” Wade teases, his smile creased the mask a bit. Logan grumbled. He in fact, did not like what he saw. He preferred Wade to Deadpool and he wasn't sure how to explain that to the other man, so he didn't respond, still glaring daggers at the mask that hid away his lover.

Wade's smile falls and a confused expression crinkles into the mask. For Deadpool's face being completely covered, he was somehow so expressive. Logan enjoyed that in the bedroom, watching Deadpool's eyes droop as he whimpered-

“You okay big guy?” Wade interrupts Logan's thoughts. Logan glares at his mask again though to Wade it looks like he's glaring at him.

“What'd I do this time?” Wade was prepared to get defensive until Logan's expression softened and he looked upset rather than mad.

“Why do you have your mask on?” Logan's eyes search his face for an answer.

Wade stiffened at the question. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked away from Logan's pleading gaze. “It's cold.” He says simply.

Logan's face hardens, not believing him for a second. He stands and approaches Wade slowly “I'll warm you up then. Take it off.” He stands in front of Wade, a determined and unwavering look on his face.

Wade glances back to Logan, hesitation took over his body and he felt frozen. He didn't want to reply or move in fear that Logan would read exactly what he was thinking through his body language.

When Wade doesn't move to take the mask off Logan raises his own hand, slipping his thumb gently under the crease to slide the mask off.

Wade instinctively snaps his hand up and grabs Logan's wrist, stopping his movement quickly. “No-” his voice breaks so he clears his throat “No.” He repeats, squeezing Logan's wrist as a warning and a silent plea.

Logan had a doleful gaze, searching the other man's concealed face for a reason. Wade huffs and averts his eyes, he was about to say something to defend himself but Logan beat him to it.

“I want to see your face…” Logan mutters, unfamiliar with the concept of kindness and affection.

Wade freezes at the older man's words. He couldn't tell if he was mocking him so he scoffs. Who would actually want to see Wade's face, he thought to himself. His head was a turmoil of emotions, he was confused and unsure. But a small glimmer of hope sparked inside him. Maybe Logan genuinely didn't care about what he looked like. Maybe he didn't have to hide from him. He always assumed that no one would want to look at his face ever again if they didn't have to. He wouldn't either if he was being honest. Every time he had to look at himself he felt bile rising in his throat.

Wade stays tense but decides to give Logan the benefit of the doubt, “You… want to see me?” Wade questions, observing the shorter man for any kind of deception or mockery.

Logan simply nods, he knew he wasn't the best at this. He preferred physical touch and gift giving to this talkative emotional shit. But he wanted to comfort his friend. He had to stop himself from leaving the conversation to go out and maybe bring Wade a dead bird or a mouse to cheer him up. Wade occasionally found small foul in his bed, yet never showed any appreciation to Logan which upset him, but he continued with the activity nonetheless. Logan frowns at the thought, it would be so much easier to do that than have to sit here and feel useless against Wade's insecurities.


Wade was still confused and conflicted. He trusted the man more than anyone he'd ever known but there was still something fighting him to keep his mask on. He bites his lip under the mask, anxiously deciding what to do in this situation.

Logan beats him to it and raises his hand again. This time more slowly to give Wade more of an option. Wade doesn't reach to stop him this time, letting Logan's hand graze the side of his neck and hook under the mask. Wade lets out a shaky breath as his mask- his protection- is taken off.

Wade’s eyes bounce around Logan's face quickly, waiting for a disgusted reaction or something of a repulsed glare. But Logan doesn't have a reaction, he just stares with that stupid soft gaze that rarely showed on his face. Wade's eyes fell to the floor and he knew Logan could see the blush on his face. “Like what you see, Mutton Chops…?” He jokes shyly.

Learn to write me accurately before you write poolverine shit. Is this what the people want? A blubbering mess of the infamous and hilarious Merc with the Mouth?!

Logan feels a smile tug at his lips. He dropped the mask on the ground and his hand caressed Wade's cheek softly, lifting his face up to look him in the eyes. “Y'know I don't care what you look like, right?” Logans voice was unaturally kind, it threw Wade off because it was such an uncommon occurrence that the slight caring tone almost made him melt. He wasn't even sure what to say in reply to his affection so he pulls him into an urgent kiss. Wade put all his appreciation and passion into the kiss and it startled Logan at first but he complied, smiling against Wade's lips.

Wade pulls back suddenly, trying to regain some pride for his ego. “I hate you.” He mumbles, shoving Logan away gently even though all he wanted to do was pull him closer.

Logan had a cocky grin on his face, unphased by the shove. “No you don't” He smirks, grabbing Wade by the shirt and letting their lips crash together again. They were both touch starved and needy for the affection so the kiss wasn't exactly sweet. It was hot and quick, like they needed each other to live and breath. Neither of them wanted to break from the kiss-

“Stop jerking each other off in there!” Al screams from her room to interrupt the two.

“Fuck off!” Wade hisses in annoyance at the interruption, causing Logan to chuckle deeply.

1123 words

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