Chapter 12

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As the chariot approached Dwarka, the rhythmic clatter of the hooves overtook the multitude of voices around them. The people stopped their routines to watch the return of their beloved princess, though it seemed more of a funeral procession than a welcome. 

Subhadra could feel curiosity and sympathy radiating from the eyes around them. She could hear the whispers, even if they were subdued in her presence.

They spoke of the events at Hastinapur, the humiliation of Samragyi Draupadi, the exile that led them to this point.

She felt Krishna's hand on her shoulder as if silently reassuring her that everything would be alright. Be strong, he seemed to say.

The chariot continued through the city, eventually reaching the palace. Her homecoming should excite her, yet it did not feel like the home she had known—something vital was missing. The guards bowed their heads in solemn respect, headed by Satyaki.

She met his eyes for a moment.

The clatter of hooves came to halt as she dismounted, the children following her like an unhappy trail. She saw Balram come down the glittering steps, stopping short in front of her. 

" alright?" he asked her, wondering whether he should reach out or not. His usually stern eyes seemed to soften as he looked at the children huddled around her for comfort. 

Through the corner of her eye, she saw her brothers exchange a glance.

Subhadra nodded slowly. She let him lead her up the stairs to where the royal family waited for them. She touched the feet of her parents and let Vasudev envelop her into a hug.

"All will be well, dear child," he whispered. "All will be well."

She nodded again.

Rukmini simply touched her face, as if transferring her strength to Subhadra. She then turned to the children, stooping to speak to them eye-to-eye.

"Will you come with me?" she said softly, afraid she might hurt them if she raised her voice above a certain decibel. It was the compassionate demeanour only a mother could muster.

Abhimanyu, being more familiar with her than the others, seemed to take the lead by drawing himself out of the little huddle and taking Rukmini's hand. The five brothers exchanged uncertain glances until Prativindhya took her other hand. Satyabhama and Mitravinda followed suit, taking the hands of the other children, leading them inside.

The corridors of the palace seemed to close in around her as she walked through the palace. Balram followed close behind, his footsteps heavy with frustration. His brows were furrowed, and his jaw clenched, the storm brewing within him becoming more apparent with each passing moment. Once they were out of earshot of the children and the rest of the family, his restraint broke.

"How could this happen?" Balram's voice was a low growl, but the anger in it was unmistakable. He turned to Krishna, his eyes flashing with barely contained fury. "How could Yudhishthir let this happen?"

Krishna remained calm, as it was expected of him. He knew this was coming; he had sensed the anger boiling beneath Balram's surface since the moment they had heard of the exile. "Dau," Krishna began, his voice soothing, "Bhrata Yudhishthir did what he believed was right. He was bound by dharma, by the oath he took. The situation is tragic, yes, but—" 

"Tragic? Tragic is not the word for this disaster!" Balram interrupted, his voice rising as he pointed an accusatory finger at the empty space before him, as though Yudhishthir were standing there. "Yudhishthir has thrown away everything—his kingdom, his wife's dignity, and now our sister's peace! How can you defend him, Krishna? How can you stand there and justify what he's done?"

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