Chapter 22

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Abhimanyu sent dust flying around the arena as he charged forward, his sword slicing through the air with fierce determination. The sun blazed down on him, highlighting the sheen of sweat on his brow as he focused intently on his movements. He paused for a moment, breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling as he took in the sight of the swirling dust around him.

"Well done, my prince," Satyaki acknowledged from somewhere on his right. "Keep your movements steady and your grip firm."

The muscles on his back flexed as Abhimanyu turned slightly and nodded, resuming his stance. As he practiced, he could feel Satyaki's watchful gaze on him, providing the motivation he needed to keep pushing forward. Just as he was about to launch into another flurry of strikes, he noticed a familiar figure at the edge of the arena-his mother. There was a soft smile on her face as she watched him, remembering the baby she had cradled in her arms.

With a swift motion, he tossed her a sword, the blade glinting in the sunlight as it flew through the air. He shot her a grin as she caught it effortlessly, her look of surprise shifting to amusement as she held it up.

Abhimanyu raised his eyebrows, asking her a silent question. He saw her consider it for a moment, her gaze flickering between the sword and him, before she tucked her veil into her waistband in acceptance. She hadn't sparred in years-not seriously, at least. Her anklets chimed as she stepped onto the sand, bending down to touch the ground and bringing it to her forehead as a sign of respect for the earth.

Rising to her full height, she smirked at him. "Let's see what you've got."

There was a spark in her eyes, a challenge that told him she wasn't going to back down from this one.

And it thrilled him.

Abhimanyu straightened up, grinning at his mother. She shifted into a stance that mirrored his own, her sword raised with surprising confidence. They began with a feint, Abhimanyu darting to the left while Subhadra anticipated his move, pivoting gracefully to block his strike. The sound of their swords clashing reverberated through the arena, and he marvelled at how fluidly she moved, each step purposeful and deliberate.

"Not bad," he teased, stepping back to reassess. "For a mother."

"You haven't seen anything yet," she shot back, feeling a surge of energy as she lunged forward, her sword arcing toward him with precision. He barely managed to sidestep, feeling the rush of air as the blade passed close to his side.

As they exchanged blows, Abhimanyu began to notice the nuances of her movements. She was not just relying on brute strength; there was a rhythm to her fighting, a dance that combined agility and strategy. He found himself adapting, mirroring her tactics as he tried to predict her next move.

Subhadra twirled away from a thrust he aimed at her, her body flowing like water as she spun, using the momentum to bring her sword back around for a quick counter. Abhimanyu blocked it just in time, but his fifteen year old body could feel the force behind her strike.

"Impressive!" he exclaimed, grinning as he parried her blow. "Where did you learn to fight like this, Maa?"

Subhadra took a step back, breathing steadily. She was reminded of her playful spats and competitions with Jayveer back in Kanyakul. He saw her turn slightly to grin at Satyaki, who sported a proud smile. "Let's just say I had my fair share of practice before you came along."

With that, she lunged forward, executing a spin that brought her sword sweeping towards his legs. Abhimanyu jumped, narrowly avoiding the blade, and landed in a crouched position, a grin spreading across his face as adrenaline pumped through him.

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