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We all stood behind the rocks as strange sat waiting for thanos. Not too long after thanos appeared through a portal.
"Oh yeah. You're much more of a thanos." Strange speaks up
"I take it the maw is dead" thanos reply's and strange nods his head
"This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission." Thanos says
"You may regret that. He brought you face to face with the master of the mystic arts." Strange says
"And where do you think he brought you?" Thanos asks
"Let me guess. Your home?" Strange asks
"It was. And it was beautiful" he says then uses the reality stone to change it to what it used to look like.

"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." Thanos says as I look around.

Everything looked familiar, like I had seen it before.

"Genocide" strange says shocked
"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass" he says changing it back to what it looks like now.

But that's when it hit me, this place, this was the place I saw in my dreams. The place I was born..... my home.

"Congratulations you're a prophet" strange says
"I'm a survivor" he says
"Who wants to murder trillions" strange adds
"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, they would all cease to exist. I call that mercy." He tells him
"And then what?" Strange asks standing up
"I'd finally rest. And watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills" he says
"I think you'll find our will equal to yours" strange tells him
"Our?" Thanos asks

And just then he looked up to see the piece of a building Tony was pushing down. It goes crashing onto him.
"Piece of cake quill" Tony says
"Yeah if your goal was to piss him off." He reply's as thanos uses the power stone to break the building. Then turns it all into bats which attack Tony.

Then we all start to attack. Strange, Peter, quill, drax, and I all start to get in hits back to back. Quill puts an electrocute on his back which knocks him down more. Strange's cape latches onto his fist not allowing him to close it or use any of the stones.

Peter starts to send kicks and punches while going through stranges portals, but thanos grabs him by the throat, pushing him onto the ground then throwing him away hitting strange.

"Nobody hurts the kid with me here" I say flying in front of him as he pulls off the cape.
I start to send blasts at him back to back, then Tony sends some bombs exploding next to him. Causing him to stubble, but he just uses the stone to ball the fire up and send it straight at Tony.

I send another blast at him while Peter webs his hand. But he pulls Peter towards him and punches him down, I was about to send another blast from behind him but I see a ship heading straight for him and dive out of the way. The ship crashes right into him. When I stand up and look over I see a blue lady and thanos fighting.

Strange uses his powers to wrap around his hand as the rest of us knock him down, then mantis jumps on top of him from strange's portal using her powers.
"Is he under? Don't let him up" tony says
"Be quick, he is very strong" mantis says as I was struggling to hold his whole body still with my powers.
"Parker help. Get over here. She can't hold him much longer let's go" Tony says as they both try to get it off.
"We gotta open his fingers to get it off" Peter tells him

"I thought you'd be hard to catch. For the record this was my plan. You're not so strong now huh? Where is gamora?" Quill asks
"My gamora" thanos groans
"No bullshit! Where is she?" Quill asks getting closer
"He is in anguish." Mantis says
"Good" quill says
"He-he mourns." Mantis says
"What does this monster have to mourn?" Drax asks
"Gamora" the blue lady says
"What?" Quill asks looking at her
"He took her to vormir. He came back with the soul stone. But she didn't." She tells him
"Ok quill you gotta cool it right now, you understand? Don't don't don't engage, we almost got this off." Tony says

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