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"Mrs. Stark. Mrs. Stark!" I hear a voice say and I open my eyes slowly
"Peter?" I ask seeing him
He helps me up and quickly tackles me in a hug
"I don't remember what happened, I think I blacked out" Peter rabbles
"Yeah something like that. Are you ok?" I ask him
"Yeah yeah I'm good. Are you ok? Where's Mr. Stark?" He asks me
"That's what I need to find out" I tell him

"Strange" I says giving him the look
"It's been five years. They need us. Are you ready?" He asks me
"Hell yeah. We're finishing this" I nod

Strange starts to open the portal. I fly out of it, landing just a few yards away. I start at their army, then I look around at our. We were going to win.

I walk forward with strange.
"Is that everyone?" He asks Wong
"What? You wanted more?" He asks
Then everyone gets ready.

"Avengers!" Steve yells
"Assemble" he says under his breath, then everyone breaks out into a sprint.

The fight breaks out. I start to take down everyone I could. Then I see Tony flying and land not too far away from me.

I fly over as more creatures start to crowd him. I use my powers and throw every one within a 10 feet radius away. Landing a couple feet from Tony.

He turns to look at me with tears in his eyes.
"Via" he says with his voice breaking.
"Tony" I cry and run over to him
We embrace each other in a hug before we break apart and look at each other.
"I missed you" he tells me
"God I love you" I tell him then he leans in giving me a kiss

What breaks us apart is the creatures coming our way.
"See you minute" I smile before we each fly off to join the fight

"Cap? What do you want me to do with this damn thing?" Clint asks
"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve tells him
"No! We need to get them back where they came from." Bruce says
"No way to get them back, thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony says
"Hold on. That wasn't our only Time Machine." Scott says and I hear a weird honking noise

"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" Steve asks
"Yes. But you're not gonna like where it's parked." A lady reply's
"Scott how long you need to get that thing working?" Tony asks
"Uh maybe 10 minutes." He says
"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you" Steve tells him
"We're on it cap" another lady says

I fly over landing next to strange.
"Hey. You said one out of 14 million we win, yeah? Tell me this is it" I ask him
"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." He tells me and I take a breath
"You better be right." I tell him before flying off again

I watch as maw tries to grab the gauntlet away from the king. I watch as Peter grabs it away and I fly in front of maw.
"I really getting tired of you" I say
"You're powers are-" he starts to say
"Heard it before" I smile before firing at him with my powers.
After a while I send him flying backyards and he hits a sharp piece of metal cutting his side. He won't be much help now.

I keep fighting when I come face to face with thanos. I start to fight him like I did just before, sending a piece of metal cutting his head in the same spot as before.
"Who are you?" He asks me
"Octavia Gray. You remember me now? The child you tried to kill. Well now it's my turn" I tell him before attacking him again.

I was about to kill him, a few more seconds and I would have. But his ship starts to fire down on all of us. Sending me flying back as I put a shield over myself.

But then they stop, and start shooting at something in the sky. I saw a light figure come and completely destroyed the ship.
I knew she was going to help get the stones out so I slowly started to get myself up. As I flew over I saw thanos throw his sword into the van, causing a big explosion to throw everyone down.

I let out a few coughs as my hand touches my head, I pulled it back down to see blood covering it. I'd hit a rock when I went flying backyards again. I do my best to stand up, and when I look over at thanos he had knocked down everyone.

I look over at strange, and he holds up one finger. And right there, I knew what I had to do.

I watch as thanos puts the power stone back into the gauntlet, as the power flows through him I fly over and grab his hand. He look down at me before throwing me off.

He looks over at me on the ground.
"I am inevitable" he says then snaps

But nothing happens. Shocked he looks at the back of the gauntlet, only to see the stones weren't there. He looks back over at me now standing up.

All six stones floating behind me, glowing brightly.
"And I, am the phoenix" I smirk before my powers start to glow brighter. With each power of the infinity stones glowing with me. Then they start to flow inside of me. Almost as if they were connecting to me.

I feel myself slowly float off the ground. My powers glowing where I wasn't visible to the eye anymore. I let out a loud yell and my arms extended, sending a blast all around.

Then I slowly start to float back down, as I watch all of thanos' army fade into dust

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Then I slowly start to float back down, as I watch all of thanos' army fade into dust. Thanos being the last.

I slowly stumble over to the rocks. Sitting down leaning against it.
I see everyone run over to me, as it got harder to breathe.
"Hey hey Mrs. Stark. Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won Mrs. Stark. We won Mrs. Stark. We won. You did it, you did it. I'm sorry Octavia" Peter says kneeling in front of me as I try to give him a smile. Tony helps him up before kneeling down next to me.

"Hey" Tony says
"Hey Ton" I barely mumble out as he grabs my hand.
"Friday?" Tony asks
"Life functions critical" Friday reply's

I give him a small smile, trying to talk.
"Via? Look at me. You'll be ok. Via you'll be ok. Ok? Please, you have to be ok. I still need you" tony cries
"I love you" I say barely being able to speak

Then everything seemed to go dark. Memories of my life flashed by, from Hydra, to Steve finding me, to Tony helping me, to me falling in love with him, to the wedding, the fight, the pain, the hurt, the love, the joy. Everything. It all seemed to flash by and disappear just as quickly.

The only thing that I truly knew it this moment was.... Life always comes to an end, we can't live on forever, but love. Love stays forever. No matter if you're here or not, love is always there.

And I'll forever love the life I had. Even more I'll love the people. Tony, Peter, Steve, happy, I could all of them. Everyone single one of them gave my life meaning, even if I only knew them for a short time. I'll forever love them.

And I'll forever love Tony stark.

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