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Hello darkness my old friend. Isn't that a song? Well whatever it is, that sums up my life. Darkness was something I was used to. Never have I had a light to guide me anywhere.  That little light at the end of the tunnel people always talk about, that was never there for me. I stumble in the darkness everyday, hoping that one day I would find my way out. But knowing deep down that day won't ever come, not for me.

I slowly open my eyes, seeing a doctor to my right.
"She's waking up" I hear one of them mumble
"Put her back under. We need to get her to a secure area before she's awake." A man says
"But Secretary Ross, she's been under for too long it could damage her brain-" the doctor starts to say
"Put her under now" he says cutting them off
Then it was back to darkness

A little while later I woke up again. I definitely wasn't in the same room. I managed to open my eyes, I looked down at my body.

I was in a straight jacket, chains all over me, a collar on my neck. Inside a small glass cell, that was surrounded by guards. It's Hydra all over again.

I try to use my powers only to get a shock to the neck. I let out a yell, then I look up to see a man standing in front of me.

"Octavia Gray is it?" The man asks but I just stare at him
"Well that's what the one file we have on you says. You really are a ghost. Says here you were taken to Hydra, were given powers, but that's it." The man tells me
"Congrats you know my life story" I say sarcastically
"Why were you helping Roger's?" He asks me
"Don't know" I answer
"Where did he go? I know he told you, you and Barnes were from Hydra. He had a plan to get you both out, so where is he going?" He asks me firmly
"Oh well I can answer that one, why didn't you ask that first" I laugh and I could see his eyes change to more so happy than before

"Well the answer is... don't know." I smile innocently
"Damn it! Tell me where he went!" He yells but I just stare at him, not saying a word.
"Fine, stay in the cell then. Be treated as the monster you really are. There's people, family's that want you dead for what you did in Lagos. It could keep you here for life. Unless you tell me where they are, and I'll help you" he says
But again, I just stare at him. Not saying a word.
He gives me a glare before turning and walking out.

It's been a couple of days since the man talked with me. I eat, uh maybe once a day. You know you really would think the good guys would treat you, well good but nope. Proves my point of there's no one who's ever truly good.

The days had been getting harder for me. I would get more panic attacks in a day. Way more than normal. Nightmares came every time I closed my eyes, so barely any sleep added to this all.

But this day, this day was hell. I went into another panic attack. Unintentionally I tried to use my powers, sending a shock to my neck. And that's what sent me over.

My breathing stopped. A dark circle started to form in my eyesight. My hearing was gone. Added on that I couldn't move, my hands were tied to me. Flashes of Hydra flew through my mind, the innocent people I killed, the children. The bomb in Lagos, the torture, the training, the needles. Everything. I relived everything again. In a matter of seconds.

As my vision got more and more blurry I felt someone pull me out of the cell. The straight jacket was pulled off and my hands went straight to my head.
"It's ok, it's ok. You're not there, listen to me. Hydra doesn't have you. You're safe alright." I hear a voice say

The voice slowly and slowly gets louder. My hearing starts to come back. And my vision slowly came back as well.

"It's ok I've got you. You're alright" the voice says and I finally look up to see Tony there.
"Tony?" I ask barely able to speak
"Shh don't talk, that will make it worse. I'm getting you out don't worry" he tells me
"I can't stay awake" I mumble as I feel my eyes getting heavy
"Hey hey Octavia stay awake, stay awake-" he tries to tell me but the darkness overcame me.

Once again I was sucked back into darkness, this time I felt at peace. Did I die? Or did I feel this way because I knew Tony was helping me? I wasn't sure, and I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know.

But I waited, in the darkness. Wondering if I was going to wake back up


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