Hannah's Husband

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"Honey let's get you inside." Aunt Hannah ushered me inside as I tried drying up my tears. "Wait here." She ran into the kitchen as I took a seat on the couch. She came back with peanut butter and chocolate ice cream, a big towel, two blankets, two pillows, and about five movies, sympathetically smiling at me.

"Thanks." I weakly grinned as we set up everything for tonight. Even though this doesn't usually happen for me, heartbreaks are Hannah's specialty. Every few months or so, she calls me up for a CMWLHBN, a.k.a, a cry-movie-watching-loving-heart-broken-night. Same set up, blankets, pillows, peanut butter and chocolate ice cream, and a set of movies. Each time, the movies are different except for one, the Notebook. I know, I know, it's really cheesy but hey, all I know is that every guy out there should be like Ryan Gosling.

"I agree." Hannah nodded before eating a huge spoon of ice cream.


"Every guy out there should be like Ryan Gosling."

"Oh, yeah." I laughed awkwardly before eating my ice cream. 

"So before we start the movies, care to share who the tears were for?"

"Not who, what." I corrected, shifting my gaze to my almost empty ice cream tub.

 "Em? You know you can tell me." She gently placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I know. But, you'll judge me. I know it." I shrugged off her hand and placed my empty tub on the floor.

"Maybe a little MTV instead?" She turned the television to MTV and familiar voices rang through my ears.

"One Direction!" My head snapped up to be greeted with the five of them sitting uncomfortably on one couch and talking to an unfamiliar interviewer. 

"So boys, let's talk about what has been happening with One Direction."

"We're in the middle of making a music video for a cover of One Way or Another." Harry smiled.

"For charity." Niall chimed in.

"Hannah? You see that boy with the shaved head?" I pointed to Liam on the screen and she nodded. "Well, he was my babysitter for a little while and well, we had...um." I looked at her so I didn't have to explain. It seemed as if a light bulb went off in her head as she perked up and then slumped back down.

"Oh Emery."

"I know, you don't have to reprimand me, but.." I was interrupted by her holding one hand to me.

"It's going to be okay, you just need to tell him." She softly smiled as I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"You knew?"

"Did I ever tell you about how I met your uncle Drew?" This has to be serious. Aunt Hannah hasn't talked about Uncle Drew since what happened over three years ago. I shook my head to let her continue.

"It was a while back but I believe I was around your age when it happened. I was walking into my favorite coffee shop. As I walked in and stood at the counter, a man who short cut brown hair and hazel eyes came up to the counter on the other side..."

*Flashback ten years*

"My name is Drew, how can I help you?" His eyes looked down at the cash register before connecting with me.

"Can I have a..." I was absolutely speechless. He was so handsome and I looked like a complete dork with my '90's hair do and high waisted shorts with a bikini and over sized jean jacket.

"A.." He began to laugh as I couldn't help but look at him.

"I'm sorry, I'll have a strawberry and chocolate chip smoothie with whip cream." I ordered, placing my purse on the counter  to search for money.

"Don't worry about it." He placed his hand on my purse, coincidentally placing his hand on mine. 

"Thank you so much." I smiled as he begin to make my drink.


"I leaned over the counter and started talking to him and we end up talking for hours on end. I was leaving and about to throw away my empty cup when he stopped me and told me to take it home. I did and found a number and 'For the prettiest girl I will see today-Drew'. I called Drew the next day and pretty soon, after a couple months, we were in a serious relationship. After a couple years, marriage, and then my miscarriage." Her eyes became watery as I leaned over and hugged her.

"The reason I miscarried was because a couple weeks into the start of our relationship, I found out I was pregnant. I never told him because I was too scared I would lose him so I had an abortion. The only way Drew found out was when the doctor told me I had a miscarriage, and told me the reason why. That was the first and only time I saw Drew cry." Hannah finished her sentence before beginning to sob uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry Hannah. At least Uncle Drew knew before he passed." I smiled as I felt tears trickle down my own cheeks.

"Just promise me something."


"Tell him before you are far enough long where he doesn't know. I don't want you to go through what I had to go through."

"I'm keeping the baby no matter what." I promised her, and myself.

After a couple of hours, I separated from my sleeping aunt and dialed his number.


"Who is this?"

"Who is this?"

"My name's Emery."

"Oh, i'm Alyssa. How did you get this number?"

"I'm Liam's... Can I just talk to Liam?" I asked impatiently.

"Oh sure. Liam babe, phone." I heard her yell away from the phone. 


Don't kill me, i'll write a new chapter soon enough but this was a filler chapter.

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