Surprise on My Birthday

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I know you all hate me but IT"S FINALLY UPDATED!!!


"Bravo tv is brought to you by.." I paused the television, allowing myself to grab another candy bar from the fridge. I tapped my fingers on the fridge as I looked at the few candy bars left. Making my decision, I grabbed the crunch bar and walked back to the den, but somehow felt I was forgetting something. Clicking sounds were still coming from the window along with a couple flashes. Sighing, I played the television, trying to ignore them.

The day I kicked Liam out of my house for sleeping with me, he was spotted and cameras have been at my house non-stop for three weeks now, knocking and asking questions while taking pictures and videos of my closed blinds. Liam called and texted me non-stop, but after the first week, it stopped. I know that's a good thing and he has a life but I almost wished he would pound down the door and wouldn't take no for an answer. All this time cooped up in the house has got me thinking. I thought I could have my prince ch... My phone started ringing, snapping me back into reality. I answered it quickly without looking.

"Hello?" I answered hopefully.

"Hi sweetheart."

"Hi Mom." I answered as my heart sunk, realizing it wasn't Liam on the other end.

"Hi. Your father and brothers say hi sweetie. I just wanted to call and check up on you guys. Can I talk to Liam?"

"Sorry Mom. He left literally a minute ago to grab some groceries. We're running low."

"Aww sweetie, he left you on the most special day of your life?" Aww shit, I forgot my birthday's today.  But this wasn't the thing I was forgetting. "Hun?"

"Oh sorry Mom, but it's okay because its only for a short time. He'll be back." I lied.

"Well okay sweetie. I hope you have a great birthday and we will be back in two months on the dot. We can't stand to be away from you this long. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes Mom now go and have fun with them. I love you."

"Love you too."


"Okay bye." I hung up, throwing my phone back on the couch. After another ten minutes of watching tv, I turned it off because the bathroom was calling. As I walked over to the bathroom, I noticed no toliet paper, forcing me to walk all the way upstairs to my bathroom. As I closed the door and started peeing, I came face to face with my cycle chart. Wait, if today's the fourteen, then...

"Aagh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hanging my head in disapproval. I quickly held in the rest of my pee before rushing out of the rest room and downstairs to my car, car keys in hand. The bright flashes stunned me at first before I got into my car. As I started the engine, people swarmed around my car, blocking my way out. Only one other option, running. I got out and slammed the car door before taking off to the mini mart three blocks away. Clouds started to form over my head, blocking out the sun from my view. As soon as I was inside of the mini mart, I raced over to the restroom, grabbing the box on the way. 


Three minutes passed as I nervously tapped my fingers on the sink counter. A result started to appear and I covered it with my hand, walking out of the bathroom and leaving two dollars on the counter for the clerk as I rushed out the door. Once outside, the wind hit my face like ice and I looked down at my hand. Sprinkles of rain started appearing on the curb as I slowly uncovered my hand from the clear plastic. A Pink little plus stared back at me. Food carvings, missed periods, it all makes sense. One night changed all of this. As my feet starting moving home, I grabbed my phone and dialed the only person I could think of, Hannah.


"Aunt Hannah?" I choked back the tears.

"Sweetie what's wrong?"

"Can you come over right now."

"I'll be there in five minutes." She assured me before hanging up. I looked up at the sky which was now puring down buckets of rain. As I came up to my house, I noticed the reporters had left. Hopefully for good. I made it all the way to the porch steps before turning around, sitting on the concrete and letting tears start to trickle down my cheeks. I couldn't stop it as my vision became blurry.

"Em?" I heard a voice as I lowered my head into my hands and resting my elbows on my knees. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

"Em? Emery?"


I know you are all going to kill me but I need to build suspense. I promise to have another update by Saturday night at the latest. Again, SORRY!

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