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Hi my loves! You've reached the end of this story. For all of the Bill girls out there, this next story is for you to read ^^

 For all of the Bill girls out there, this next story is for you to read ^^

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Rhythm Of A

Chiara Adelina, 19 year old artist. Best Friend of 20 year old Rockstar and known gangster Bill Kaulitz, singer of Germanys well known and loved popular rock band, Tokio Hotel.

He drove a sexy car and she preferred to walk. As they say, opposites attract don't they?

The two have always had a close bond with each other. For the past 9 years, they both have been entirely inseparable, their friendship unbreakable as they've grown to deeply care for one another.

But there has always been a side Bill has kept hidden from his own best friend. With this school semester reveal his secrets? Making Chiara discover who her best friend really is..

Now, as they embark on their promise of going to the same college together, Chiara and Bill are determined to maintain their strong connection, vowing to never let anyone come between them.

However, as Bill's undeniable feelings for her start to blossom right after rumors of him becoming a dangerous man, will Chiara have the courage to say she has felt the same for years?

Bill Kaulitz's appearance as a student Is spread throughout the town, bringing new people into their lives as obstacles begin to cause a shake in Chiara's safety.

In able to test the limits of their unshakable friendship, is Chiara and Bill's friendship going to stay the same way it has been for years?

Will Bill Kaulitz and Chiara Adeline continue being the loved and imperishable duo they're well known for even with the dangers they go through?

Find out by reading their melancholy love story NOW!

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