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Ava stepped off the plane and into the bustling arrivals hall of London Heathrow Airport. The cool, crisp air hit her like a refreshing wave as she crossed the threshold from the airplane cabin to the terminal. She took a deep breath, letting the unfamiliar scent of jet fuel and coffee mingle with her anticipation. It had been months since she had planned this trip, and now that the moment had finally arrived, she could hardly contain her excitement.

The airport was a whirlwind of activity, with travelers scurrying to and fro, luggage carts clattering, and announcements echoing overhead. Ava scanned the crowd for familiar faces, but all she saw were strangers wrapped in their own worlds of travel. She tugged her carry-on closer and made her way toward the baggage claim area.

Just as she reached the carousel, she spotted three figures weaving through the crowd. Inara, Sophia, and Scarlett were making their way towards her, smiles broad and excitement clear. Inara was the first to catch her eye, her warm expression instantly putting Ava at ease. She had a reputation for her infectious enthusiasm, and today was no exception. Beside her, Sophia's thoughtful gaze and serene presence contrasted perfectly with Inara's vivacity. Scarlett followed close behind, her eyes bright with curiosity and her energy unmistakable.

Ava's heart lifted as they approached. Inara's arms opened wide, and Ava was enveloped in a tight hug. "Ava! It's so good to see you, i missed you." Inara exclaimed, her voice a cheerful melody amid the airport noise.

Sophia stepped forward, her embrace gentle but no less sincere. "Welcome to LA We're so glad you're finally here," she said, her voice calm and welcoming.

Scarlett, though more reserved, gave Ava a warm smile and a quick hug. "Hey, Ava. It's great to see you again!  We've got a lot of plans for you."

They quickly gathered Ava's luggage and ushered her toward the exit. As they walked through the airport, the city outside came into view— a sprawling landscape of buildings and bustling streets.

"So, how was the flight?" Inara asked, glancing at Ava with genuine curiosity.

"It was good, but long," Ava replied, rubbing her eyes as if to dispel the last remnants of jet lag. "I'm just so excited to be here."

Scarlett led them to the car park where a sleek black SUV awaited. As they loaded Ava's bags into the trunk, Inara chattered about the itinerary they had planned, mentioning everything from historic landmarks to hidden gems of the city.

"We have reservations for dinner at this amazing little place in Hollywood boulevard," Inara said enthusiastically. "

Sophia chimed in, "We thought it might be nice to start with something relaxing. How about a walk along the Hollywood sign?"

Ava nodded eagerly, her fatigue fading in the face of their enthusiasm. "That sounds perfect."

As they drove through LA,  Ava looked out the window, taking in the blend of historic and modern architecture. The city seemed to pulse with life, and she felt a thrill at being part of it, even if just for a little while.

They arrived at their destination, a charming townhouse in a lively neighborhood, where Inara, Sophia, and Scarlett had been kind enough to arrange a cozy place for Ava. The warmth of the home contrasted sharply with the brisk evening air outside. After a quick tour of the house and a chance for Ava to freshen up, they headed out to dinner.

The restaurant was a quaint, intimate spot, with soft lighting and an inviting atmosphere. As they sat down and menus were handed out, Ava looked around at her new friends. Their presence was a comfort, a reminder that she was not just a tourist in this vibrant city but was welcomed and cared for by people who had been eagerly awaiting her arrival.

The conversation flowed easily as they shared stories and laughter, and Ava felt a deep sense of contentment. LA was as magnificent as she had imagined, but it was the company of Inara, Sophia, and Scarlett that made it truly special. The city's wonders would surely captivate her, but it was this moment of connection that she would cherish the most.

As the evening wound down and they strolled along the lights of the city shimmering on the water, Ava knew that this trip would be one to remember.  With her friends by her side, and obviously, Inara by her side. LA was not just a destination, it was a new chapter
waiting to be written.

The sun was beginning its descent, casting a golden glow over Hollywood Boulevard.  Ava, Inara, Scarlett, and Sophia stepped onto the iconic street, their excitement.  The air was filled with a mix of bustling activity and the distant hum of music from nearby attractions.

Inara led the way, her energy infectious as she pointed out famous landmarks and shared fun facts about the area. "This is the heart of Hollywood!" she declared with a flourish. "From the Walk of Fame to the TCL Chinese Theatre, there's so much history here!"

Ava, with her eyes wide and a smile stretching across her face, took in the vibrant surroundings. She marveled at the handprints and footprints embedded in the sidewalk, each one a tribute to a star who had left their mark on the film industry. "It's amazing to see these in person," she said, bending down to take a closer look at Marilyn Monroe's handprints.

Scarlett, always the adventurous spirit, suggested they try a classic Hollywood experience: a celebrity impersonator tour. They followed her to a group of performers dressed as famous movie characters. With a laugh, they posed for photos with a spot-on Marilyn Monroe and a charming James Dean. Scarlett's joy was evident as she struck dramatic poses, her laughter mingling with the applause of passersby.

Sophia, who usually preferred a quieter pace, was still swept up in the infectious fun. She found herself fascinated by the street performers, particularly a magician who was captivating an audience with his tricks. She joined the crowd, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, and clapped enthusiastically when he performed a particularly impressive sleight of hand.

As the evening turned to dusk, the group wandered into a nearby diner for a quick bite. The retro decor and classic diner fare felt like a fitting tribute to the Hollywood experience. They laughed over milkshakes and burgers, recounting their favorite moments from the day and teasing each other about their "celebrity" encounters.

The boulevard began to light up with neon signs and the glitz of the nightlife scene. As they stepped back outside, the energy of Hollywood Boulevard seemed to envelop them. They wandered down the street, taking in the sights and sounds, with Inara leading the charge in her usual animated style. Ava and Scarlett followed eagerly, while Sophia took it all in with a contented smile.

In the heart of Hollywood, amid the glamour and the excitement, the friends found a shared joy in their adventure. It was a day filled with laughter, exploration, and the kind of memories that would linger long after their footsteps had faded from the boulevard.

Ava's gaze lingered on Inara, taking in the way the sunlight highlighted her features, giving her an almost ethereal glow. It was in these simple moments, seeing Inara so alive and full of energy, that Ava felt a deep, heartfelt admiration. It was not just Inara's outward beauty that drew her in but the way her spirit seemed to embrace life with such passion and grace.

Inara glanced back, catching Ava's gaze for a brief moment. Ava offered a soft, appreciative smile, one that spoke of her admiration without needing words. The connection between them was clear, a quiet acknowledgment of the special place Inara
held in Ava's heart.


Ava is fallingg for Inara 🤭🤭 #Iva

- author of this book 🩶

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