Chapter 4: Family!

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Misaki POV

I had fallen asleep in the car. It felt like I was asleep for a few hours. I can't believe he said he loves me. I was awoken by someone talking into my ear.

"My lady. Its time to get up. We have to go. We can't stay here any longer." Ikuto whispered. I slowly opened up my eyes to see that it was still night. "Ikuto.. What happen...w-why aren't we moving? Its dark!" I was scared. "I'm sorry but....we're out of gas but we need to keep moving." I looked into the back to see that everyone else was up and in shock as well as me. Our car was on the side of a long rode which had trees on both sides. It looked like we was in the middle of a forest on a road.

"Your saying we have to WALK in the DARK with those THINGS walking around!!?" Moka said silently yelling. I could tell by the way her voice sounded she was terrified. Ikuto nodded. "Its dark how will we be able to see?" Shana asked.

Ikuto sighed. "Ok we'll wait it out till the morning, then we'll go. Ok." Everyone nodded. The lights went off and now it was very dark. I didn't feel safe with tell trees on the side of the car. I was scared that one of those things mit come while I'm sleeping.

Moka was in Tadashi's arms drifting sleep. Shana was sleeping on the window. I couldn't sleep. I was terrified. Scared to know what mit happen while we're asleep. "Excuse me but if you want you can always sleep in my arms to help you fell asleep my lady?" Ikuto asked. I blushed but I crawled over the seat and sat in his lap as he wrapped his arms around me. Before I knew it I fell into a deep sleep. I was happy to have Ikuto with me even if the world is coming to an end.

Ikuto POV

I saw that Misaki was having trouble sleeping. And that she was worried what mit happen, so I had to try to keep her calm till I get her safe. What surprised me was that she accepted it. She crawled out of her seat and into my arms. She slowly drifted asleep while her head laid on my chest. I softly stroke her hair down to her back. "Don't worry Misaki. I'll always be here to protect you with my life. No matter what." I whispered. "I love you." I went into a deep sleep because I was doing a lot of things all in two days. I never realized how tired I was.

-----The next morning----
Misaki POV

I woke up also early in the morning. The sun was just coming up. It was beautiful.... Well besides all the undead walking. I looked over at Ikuto. He's sleeping face was cute. I was still in he's arms. I looked back to see Shana up while Moka and Tadashi still asleep. "Hey." I whispered because I didn't want to awake anyone else up. "Hey." She whispered back. What she said next took me by surprise. "D-do you think we'll make it out alive?" I could tell she was scared out of her mind. I grabbed her hand and held it. "I promise we will all be ok...I don't want to lose anybody else." She gave me a soft smile as I smiled back. "Besides I need a shower." "Don't we all." I saw that Tadashi had finally got up. "Well good morning." I smiled. I saw a small pink in his cheek then smiled. "Good morning."

I looked over at Ikuto as he slowly opened his eyes. "Good morning, Ikuto." He smiled. "Good morning beautiful." He kissed me on my cheek. I blushed red. "Awww!" Shana smiled. "Are y'all ready to get going?" Ikuto asked. We wasn't sure but we knew that we can't stay here. We all nodded. "Ok. Let's go." Ikuto got out first then we did. We started walking up the road.


I was holding Ikuto's hand as he had a sword in the other. I had Shana's hand in my other. Moka had Tadashi's hand on the side of us. After a while of walking up the road a came across a small neighborhood. There was cars everywhere, some with blood in them and others with bashed windows. We saw a woman being eating by a zombie but we decided to walk pass. "Come on. Let's go in that house. We can't be in the open road." Ikuto said. We walked to the back of an new house. Ikuto turned the knob luckily it was unlock. He slowly opened the door. The once white walls was painted red with bloody hands prints. There was a few broken things and cloths everywhere.
"Be careful, My lady." Ikuto held on to my hand tightly. I can tell he was very worried about me. "Ok. Stay here. I'll go check upstairs." Ikuto said. Before he left I grabbed his sleeve. He turned to me. "Please be careful, Ikuto." He smiled at me. "I promise I'll come back down safe." I nodded as I went back to the others who was in the living room.

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