Chapter 1

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=======, 23, 2024...

It was 8:01 in the evening as i was scrolling through the chats my teacher has sent in the GC. Ever since I graduated from my old school, i moved into a new school. A much bigger one, bigger than my old school. It was a campus to be exact, here in the present im now Grade 7. I wasn't used to being in big schools since theres many people around here, but I eventually grew used to it. I didnt have any classes today since im gonna be doing works offline, it means i just have to do the activities given by my teacher in the GC.

But let's just say i finished the activities my teachers gave me, I was just scrolling through the chats to see if i missed anything but i guess I haven't. There's nothing much for me to do in here anyway, all I do is just watch tiktok, go through my discord, chat in Character.AI, and others i suppose.. i eventually grew bored of it a bit, maybe i could draw my OCS while watching some Alan Becker videos? I thought to myself since i didnt have anything to do or whatsoever..

I went out of my bed before grabbing my sketchbook and some coloring materials and a pencil also, I havent finished coloring some of my drawings due to me being lazy and all.. I opened the gadget before pressing the app 'YouTube' and typing "Alan Becker" in the search as i picked the live stream that appeared first, i got comfortable in my bed as I watched the live stream while peacefully drawing or coloring my OCS..

I've been watching the live stream for a while now that i noticed that its already 10:14 in the evening, i bet my dad is gonna unlock the door of my room to get my gadget.. I got more used to locking my door often so every night my dad would unlock the door of my room and get the gadget i have and I would sleep, I heard the key jingling meaning my dad is already there and he is about to unlock the door using the keys and he did.

He took my gadget as always and would leave the room so i could sleep, I didnt have anything to do today. I wonder if it still would be the same for tommorow.. I placed my sketchbook and coloring materials away before turning on my LED light in my room before turning off the lights making my room dim, i jumped into my bed and pulled the blankets near me while hugging my favorite plushie.

As i stared at the ceiling of my room I wondered that what would it be like for someone to go into the Alan Becker world? would it be fun? Adventurous? Scary? Who knows.. but sometimes I would like to know what would it be like to be there, but i guess it would never happen..

Thats just all fiction! I thought to myself.. That's clearly impossible for that to happen, but oh how I wish that would happen to me.. getting teleported into Alan's PC and meeting the color gang and The Second Coming? I wondered what would it be like.. If i had the chance to just stay there for a week..

I sighed, before getting to a comfortable position in my bed.

"well.. i guess you'll never know.."

I muttered to myself as a I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep..

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