Chapter 2

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Alan's PC

It was a normal day in Alan's PC, as The Second Coming and his friends were having fun. Red was playing with his animals, green listening to some music, blue was watching yellow use his computer while eating netherwarts, The Second Coming was sleeping in the couch and Alan was working in his PC since his stickfigures arent causing any trouble right now

They were all having a good time until Alan spotted something in his PC as he moved his cursor somewhere in the PC, the rest of the group saw it and they knew that Alan saw something or found something.

"Hey, what do you guys think Alan found?"

The Second Coming asked his friends which they all shrugged, obviously they didn't know what he found, so they were all curious to see what it is

Alan's cursor came back holding a.. stickfigure? A different stickfigure which the group haven't met before, the design of the stickfigure having a rainbow outline in them and the rest is white as they were a hollow head. They didn't know who taht was obviously

"Hey, who's that?"

Red asked as Alan gently placed down the stickfigure in the ground before typing something

[I have no idea, I spotted the stickfigure just there laying unconscious in my PC]

The group approached the unconscious stickfigure, wondering how did this stickfigure get in here in the first place

"Maybe we could look after the stickfigure for a while?"

Yellow suggested as they all think about it, they thought they wouldn't be harmless maybe? They're were all thinking until The Second Coming said something

"Yeah guys, maybe we should look after them. Their a hollow head like me! And maybe they wouldn't have any powers at all"

They thought about what The Second Coming said as they agreed about it.

So the color gang and The Second Coming placed the mysterious stickfigure in the couch to let them rest as they continued talking and waited for the stickfigure to wake up, green had a question in his mind and wanted to say it since its been in his mind for a while now

"Hey guys, I was wondering.. are they Alan's creation? I mean, they are also a hollow head like Second"

Green asked the group, that idea didn't really appear in their head actually

"Then let's ask Alan to get our answer if he created them or not"

Blue spoke as they all stood up and started walking towards the tab where Alan was working before climbing in the tab, that's where they saw Alan working

Alan noticed the stickfigures as he stopped working for a bit before typing something to them

[Do you all need something?]

Alan typed as The Second Coming said something to Alan

"Yeah, actually we were wondering if the stickfigure you found is your creation. I mean, they're also a hollow head like me! So we all thought you created them"

Alan paused for a bit on his typing, he didn't actually created them. Never in his life can he remember making another hollow head and besides, it would be hard for him to draw that stickfigure considering the design of it. Alan typed his reply

[Sorry but, I don't remember creating that stickfigure before. I can't really draw that kind of design on a stickfigure maybe, I know it's a hollow head but I didn't make them]

The color gang were confuse, if Alan didn't create them. Who did? They have a lot of questions in their head, but maybe the stickfigure can answer them once they are awake..

My body felt numb for some reason as I moved around a bit in my sleep, what's going on though? I feel.. weird, I never felt like this before in my sleep so honestly, I was confuse..

I forced myself to wake up despite me still being tired as I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was that the ceiling was different.. it looked like something from a.. PC? I was confused, maybe I was dreaming since I fell asleep

But I suddenly noticed that I was laying down on a couch, I immediately sat up and realized that I wasn't in my room.. where am I? I looked at my body as I froze in shock, what happened to my body? Why is it a stickfigure now? Why am I a stickfigure now?!

Although.. the body is pretty similar to something.. wait, this is a stickfigure version of me that I drew in the real world! How did I..

I was processing as I looked around the room. Everything seems so.. familiar..

[Oh look, they're awake]

Alan typed as the color gang looked at my direction, I felt someone was watching me as I looked to my side and there I saw 5 familiar stickfigures.. I was speechless

This is a dream, right? A very cool dream I always wanted, but that doesn't matter right now. Everything seems so real, am I even in a dream right now?

The color gang approached me as they tried to be friendly with me despite me being confuse. The Second Coming spoke first

"Hello there! Seems like your awake, our creator Alan found you unconscious here in his PC and we didn't know how you went in here.."

I looked at my stickfigure like body as I was still processing some things, so I am in Alan's PC.. the only question is.. how did I get here in the first place?

I looked at them all, not knowing what to say. Knowing myself, I would be excited to be here and right now I'm just.. processing things

"I guess they're still processing things"

Yellow spoke, I finally get some words out of my mouth

"How did I.. get here?"

I spoke as the color gang looked at me with a surprised expression on their face, that's the first thing I would ask obviously. Because I was literally in my room sleeping and now I'm here!

"You don't know how you got here?"

Blue spoke as they were all still looking at me, it feels weird being looked at by some characters that I know. Alan was also there which I completely forgot about him

"I.. yeah I uh, don't know how I got here.. the last thing I remembered I was sleeping in my room"

I spoke, it's weird of me having this stickfigure like body. I guess I'm more used to the human like body, I was still wondering how did I get here. This doesn't happen before in my sleep..

"Did your creator transport you here?"

Green asked, creator? Oh yeah, I forgot I was a stickfigure so they probably thought I have a creator who made me

"No? I don't have a creator.. it's just that-"

I was about to explain that I was a human from the real world before I got cut off by the color gang as they all spoke in surprise, even Alan was surprised. I think..

"You don't have a creator?!?"

They all spoke in surprise

The Creator Trapped In Alan's PCWhere stories live. Discover now