Chapter 5

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I woke up in a dark room as I was laying on the floor, where am I? Is this a dream? I thought to myself as I stood up and heard some faint glitching noises somewhere, where is that coming from?

I then heard a distorted voice talking in the background, who the heck is that..


It then started speaking to me, but I couldn't see it anywhere

"Gr3et!ng$, Farrah"

It knows my name..?

"Who are you.."

"Th@t'$ n0n3 0f y0ur c0nc3rn."

"Where the hell am I. Answer me."

"Y0ur just 1n th3 v0!d"

The void? That's strange..that's a bit familiar though..

"So this is a dream.."


The more I hear they're voice, the more I wonder who it is and I'm starting to know who..

"You don't need to be so secretive of yourself"


I let out a pained yelp as my head started hurting and everything started glitching for a second until the pain and the glitching stopped

"@nd h3r3 1 th0ught y0u w0ul#nt r3c0gn!z3 y0ur 0w& cr3@t!0n."

"How the heck are you here.. I thought you would be at my tablet or in my PC, not in Alan's PC. Did you bring me here? Answer me!!"

"N0w wh# w0uld 1 d0 th@t"

"Because I'm your fucking creator, now answer me!!!"

Everything started glitching again, I swear I thought I saw Unknown right infront of me for a second..

"L!sten h3re y0u br@t, y0u m@y b3 my cr3@t0r but th@t d03$nt m3#n I'll l!st3n t0 @ny 0f y0ur 0rd3rs. L3t'$ n0t f0rg$t wh@t th3 h3ll y0u d!d t0 m3 in th3 p@st."

I went silent as he mentioned that, this stickfigure I swear..

"I had to do it.."

"Wh@t @ $tup!d r3@s0n, cr3@t0r"

"What the hell do you even want? How am I here?"

"N9w th@t'$ @ qu3$t!0n ! C@n @n$w3r."

Finally, he's answering my questions..

"Y0u d0nt r3m3mber? 0n wh@t y0u s@!d t0 y0urs3lf b3f0r3 g0!ng t0 sl3ep?"

What is he talking about? Then that's when it clicked in me.
'oh how I wish that would happen to me.. getting teleported into Alan's PC and meeting the color gang and The Second Coming'
That wish that I thought to myself.. that's why I'm here, but I can't just randomly appear here when I just wished it! I mean, I wished for a lot of stuff but that never happened but, now?? I also realized another thing

"Wait.. how the hell did you know on what I thought to myself..?"


"Answer me!! How the hell did you know?? How the heck are you even alive?!"

"Y0u f#ck!ng cr3@t3d m3, @nd y0ur $@y!ng h0w @m 1 @l1v3?"

"What I'm saying is that how are you moving and being alive here now?? All the ocs I draw in the real world and in my tablet or PC, NEVER WALK OR TALK LIKE THAT!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT ALL OF A SUDDEN?? HOW ARE YOU HERE RIGHT NOW?!?! DID YOU BRING ME HERE??"


the placed glitched even more as I saw Unknown right infront of me, I got startled as his tentacles suddenly grab my neck. I gasped and tried to get out of his grasp


"Y0# kn0w wh@t y0u d!d, n0w y0u p@% th3 c0n$3qu3nc3$ 0f y0ur $tup!d @nd 1d!0t1c @ct!0n$ y0u br@t."

The placed glitched more as the grip on his tentacle on my neck got tighter, I was practically choking right now as I try to escape from his grasp. I'm practically scared right now, am I gonna die?!


I immediately gasp and woke up as I sat in the couch while having a scared expression right now, its just a dream... but it felt so..real..The Second Coming let out a sigh of relief as he was glad and also concerned the color gang was also there. The Second Coming placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke to me

"You alright kid? We noticed you kept on shuffling around and mumbling something to yourself"

I looked at the 5 stickfigures while still trying to process a bit what happened , it took me a while to speak as I finally said something

"I-I'm alright.. it's just a nightmare.."

I spoke quietly and looked away a bit, I can't help but think how did Unknown managed to get himself here in Alan's PC. Or maybe he didn't actually get himself in Alan's PC and it's just a dream? I mean, I did wake up after he did that. So it's maybe just a dream.. right?

"Alright then.. if you say so, do you wanna talk about it..?"

"No I.. don't wanna talk about it right now.. I just need some time to process"

The Second Coming nodded understandingly

"Alright, we'll be here when you need us"

The Second Coming and the color gang left me alone for a while so I can have some time to process what happened, but there was still questions that wasn't still answered. Like how Unknown was here, how did he bring me here. Well.. if he is the one who brought me here, and is he the only one here? How is Unknown alive? I guess I'll never know.. I'll have to keep cautious maybe when I'm here in the PC and try and look if Unknown is actually here in Alan's PC

The Creator Trapped In Alan's PCWhere stories live. Discover now