**Chapter 1: The Kim Family Dynamics**

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The sun was just beginning to rise over Seoul, casting a soft golden glow over the city. In the quiet neighborhood where the Kim family lived, the large, modern house stood as a testament to the success of the family within. The youngest of the brothers, Jungkook, was still tucked under his blankets, the first rays of sunlight gently warming his face. But in the kitchen, the day had already begun.

Kim Seokjin, or Jin as his brothers called him, was up early as usual, preparing breakfast. At 28, Jin was not only the eldest but also the mother figure to his six younger brothers. After their parents had passed away years ago, Jin had taken on the responsibility of raising his brothers, balancing his duties as a doctor with the care of his family. It was no small task, but Jin did it with the kind of love and patience that only a mother could provide.

The smell of freshly cooked pancakes began to fill the house, slowly waking the other brothers from their slumber. Jin moved gracefully around the kitchen, flipping pancakes with one hand while stirring a pot of soup with the other. He had perfected the art of multitasking over the years. As he set the table, he mentally ran through the day’s schedule: Yoongi had an important meeting at Kim Entertainment, Hoseok would be heading to Seoul International College to teach his morning classes, and Namjoon would undoubtedly be busy managing the school as its principal.

Jin was just placing the last stack of pancakes on the table when the second eldest, Yoongi, entered the kitchen. At 27, Yoongi was the CEO of Kim Entertainment, a position he had taken on at a young age after their father’s passing. He had a reputation for being cold and distant, but his brothers knew the truth. To them, Yoongi was caring, though he showed it in his own subtle way.

“Morning, Jin hyung,” Yoongi mumbled as he took a seat at the table, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Good morning, Yoongi,” Jin replied with a warm smile. “Long day ahead?”

Yoongi nodded, taking a sip of the coffee Jin had just poured for him. “Yeah, got a few meetings. I might be home late.”

“Don’t overwork yourself,” Jin advised, placing a plate of pancakes in front of him. “You need to take care of yourself too, you know.”

Yoongi gave a small smile, appreciating his brother’s concern. “I know, hyung. I’ll be careful.”

As they spoke, Hoseok, the third eldest at 26, bounced into the kitchen with his usual bright energy. His nickname, Hobi, suited him perfectly. He was the sunshine of the family, always smiling, always positive. Even on the dreariest of days, Hoseok had a way of making everyone feel a little better.

“Morning, Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung!” Hoseok greeted cheerfully as he grabbed a pancake off the stack and took a bite. “Mmm, these are amazing, hyung!”

“Good morning, Hobi,” Jin said, chuckling at his brother’s enthusiasm. “There’s plenty more where that came from.”

As the brothers sat down to eat, Namjoon entered, his expression serious as always. At 26, Namjoon was the principal of Seoul International College, the same college where Hoseok taught and Jungkook studied. Namjoon was strict, especially when it came to his younger brothers’ education. He believed in discipline and hard work, qualities he tried to instill in Jungkook.

“Morning, Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Hobi hyung,” Namjoon greeted, sitting down and reaching for a glass of orange juice.

“Good morning, Namjoon,” Jin replied, noticing the slight frown on his brother’s face. “Something on your mind?”

“Just thinking about the college,” Namjoon said, his voice thoughtful. “There’s a lot to manage, and I want to make sure everything runs smoothly.”

“You’re doing a great job, Joon,” Hoseok chimed in, giving his brother a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry too much.”

Before Namjoon could respond, the youngest three brothers entered the kitchen, led by Jimin. At 24, Jimin was an intern under Yoongi at Kim Entertainment. He was known for his caring nature, especially towards Jungkook, whom he often protected from the others’ scoldings.

“Morning, Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Hobi hyung, Joon hyung!” Jimin greeted, his cheerful voice filling the room. “Something smells delicious!”

“Morning, Chim,” Jin greeted, ruffling Jimin’s hair affectionately. “Breakfast is ready, grab a seat.”

Taehyung, also 24 and Jimin’s twin, was next. As an intern under Jin at the hospital, Taehyung was strict, especially towards the younger brothers. His seriousness often made Jungkook nervous, though he loved Taehyung more than anyone else.

“Morning, Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Hobi hyung, Joon hyung, Chim,” Taehyung greeted, his voice calm as he took a seat.

“Morning, Tae,” Jin replied, noticing the way Jungkook hesitated at the door before finally entering the kitchen.

“Morning, Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Hobi hyung, Joon hyung, Chim hyung, Taetae hyungie,” Jungkook greeted shyly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jin smiled at his youngest brother. “Good morning, Jungkook. Come sit, breakfast is ready.”

Jungkook nodded and quickly took a seat beside Jimin, feeling a bit more at ease with his favorite hyung nearby. As they all began to eat, the warmth of the family’s bond filled the room, each brother playing his part in the intricate web of relationships that held them together. For now, everything seemed perfect, but little did they know that Jungkook was hiding something—a pain that none of them could see yet.


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