**Chapter 8: Cracks in the Armor**

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The next morning, Jungkook woke up feeling a bit more rested than usual. The conversation with Taehyung had left him with a sense of comfort, a reminder that he wasn’t completely alone in his struggles. But the darkness still lingered at the edges of his mind, threatening to pull him back under. He knew he couldn’t keep relying on his hyungs to hold him together, but for now, it was enough to get him through the day.

As he got ready for school, Jungkook could hear the usual morning commotion downstairs—the sound of Jin fussing over breakfast, Yoongi’s low murmurs as he grumbled about the early hour, and Jimin’s laughter as he teased Hoseok about something. It was familiar and comforting, and for a moment, Jungkook felt like everything was normal.

But as he reached for his school bag, his sleeve slid up slightly, revealing the faint marks on his arm. He quickly pulled the sleeve down, a wave of guilt washing over him. He hated that he was hurting himself, but it felt like the only thing he had control over. It was a twisted way of coping, but it was all he had.

Pushing the thoughts away, Jungkook forced a smile and headed downstairs, determined to make it through the day without worrying his brothers.

“Morning, Kookie!” Jin greeted him with a bright smile as he entered the kitchen. “I made your favorite—pancakes with strawberries.”

Jungkook’s smile became a little more genuine at the sight of the breakfast spread. “Thanks, Jin hyung.”

He took a seat at the table, and soon enough, the other brothers joined him. They chatted casually, the atmosphere light and relaxed. Jungkook did his best to join in, though he mostly listened, trying to keep the focus off himself.

As they ate, Taehyung kept stealing glances at Jungkook, his sharp eyes not missing the slight tremble in his younger brother’s hands or the way his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. Taehyung’s concern from the night before hadn’t faded, but he knew better than to push Jungkook too hard. Instead, he made a mental note to keep an even closer eye on him.

After breakfast, it was time for Jungkook to head to school. As he grabbed his bag, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Taehyung standing behind him, a serious look on his face.

“Take care of yourself today, okay?” Taehyung said quietly, his voice filled with concern. “If anything happens, if you need me… just call. I’ll come get you.”

Jungkook nodded, the warmth of Taehyung’s words lingering in his heart. “I will, Taetae hyung. Thank you.”

Taehyung gave him a small, reassuring smile before letting him go. As Jungkook walked out the door, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Taehyung knew more than he was letting on. But instead of feeling anxious, it brought him a strange sense of comfort. His Taetae hyung was always watching out for him, and that made the burden of his struggles just a little bit lighter.

The school day passed in a haze, the usual routines feeling more exhausting than ever. The bullying hadn’t stopped, but Jungkook had learned to endure it in silence. Every insult, every shove in the hallway, was another crack in his fragile armor, but he held on, telling himself that he just had to make it through the day.

By the time school ended, Jungkook was drained, both physically and emotionally. He felt like a ghost, moving through the hallways unnoticed, just trying to get to the end of the day without breaking down. As he left the building, he noticed a group of students whispering and glancing in his direction, their expressions smug and cruel. Jungkook’s heart sank, knowing they were probably planning something, but he was too tired to care.

As he walked towards the bus stop, he heard footsteps approaching behind him. He turned slightly, only to see one of the bullies—Kai—smirking at him, flanked by a couple of his friends.

“Hey, Jungkook,” Kai called out, his tone mocking. “Where do you think you’re going? We’re not done with you yet.”

Jungkook’s heart pounded in his chest, but he forced himself to keep walking, ignoring the taunts. He couldn’t afford to get into another fight, not when he was already feeling so fragile.

But Kai wasn’t about to let him go so easily. He grabbed Jungkook’s arm, yanking him back roughly. “What’s the matter? Too scared to stand up for yourself?”

Jungkook winced as kai’s grip tightened on his arm, right over one of the marks he’d made the night before. The pain was sharp, a reminder of just how broken he felt inside. But he couldn’t let kai see that.

“Just leave me alone,” Jungkook muttered, trying to pull away.

Kai’s smirk widened, clearly enjoying the power he had over Jungkook. “Or what? You gonna cry to your rich brothers again? Maybe I’ll pay them a visit, see if they’re as weak as you are.”

That was the last straw. Something snapped inside Jungkook, and before he knew it, he was swinging his fist at kai, anger and fear driving his actions. The punch connected with kai’s jaw, surprising him and sending him stumbling back.

But the satisfaction was short-lived. Kai recovered quickly, his expression darkening with rage. “You little—”

Before kai could retaliate, a voice rang out across the parking lot, sharp and commanding.

“Hey! Get away from him!”

Jungkook turned, his heart skipping a beat as he saw Taehyung striding towards them, his eyes blazing with anger. He hadn’t seen his hyung like this in a long time, and it made him feel both relieved and scared at the same time.

Kai sneered at Taehyung, but there was a flicker of fear in his eyes. He knew who Taehyung was—the cold and intimidating intern under Dr. Kim Seokjin, the older brother of the boy he’d been tormenting.

“This isn’t over, Jungkook,” kai spat, glaring at Jungkook before backing off with his friends.

As they walked away, Taehyung reached Jungkook’s side, his expression softening slightly as he looked him over. “Are you okay?”

Jungkook nodded, still shaken from the encounter. “Yeah, I’m fine, hyung. How did you—”

“I had a feeling something might happen,” Taehyung interrupted, his voice gentler now. “So I came to check on you. Good thing I did.”

Jungkook’s chest tightened with emotion. He couldn’t believe how much Taehyung cared, even when he tried to hide it behind his cold demeanor. “Thank you, Taetae hyung… I didn’t mean to cause trouble.”

Taehyung shook his head, placing a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. “You didn’t cause any trouble, Kookie. I’m just glad I was here. You shouldn’t have to deal with this alone.”

Jungkook bit his lip, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. He wanted to tell Taehyung everything, to finally let out all the pain he’d been holding in, but the words just wouldn’t come.

Seeing Jungkook’s struggle, Taehyung pulled him into a tight hug, not caring if anyone saw. “It’s okay, Kookie. You’re safe now. I’m here.”

Jungkook’s resolve crumbled as he buried his face in Taehyung’s shoulder, finally letting the tears fall. He clung to his hyung, the weight of his emotions overwhelming him.

Taehyung held him close, his heart aching for his younger brother. He didn’t say anything, just let Jungkook cry, knowing that sometimes words weren’t enough. He vowed then and there to do whatever it took to protect Jungkook, no matter what.

As they stood there, the sun beginning to set in the distance, Jungkook felt a sense of relief wash over him. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he wasn’t alone, like he had someone who truly understood him. And that, more than anything, gave him the strength to keep going.


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I know this is not that much good but I try my best...

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