Fears and Reality

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On the next morning Mert woke up without Leyla by his side. He was alone in the big bed in the bedroom. When he looked to his left, he noticed the bathroom door slightly open. He smiled slightly and got up from the bed. He walked over to the bathroom door, stood at the threshold and admired the morning beauty of his beloved Leyla.

She was sitting in the bathtub, with her hair tied up in a messy bun and her eyes closed, as a way to relax. Her natural beauty brought smile to the face of the in-love Mert, who felt like he had hearts in his eyes, exactly like those of that popular emoticon. He was thankful to God for meeting him with exactly this woman.

When Leyla opened her eyes, she saw that her bath time was being spectated. And the spectator was the sweetest she had ever seen.

Mert smiled at his girl and, entering the bathroom, said "Günaydın, güzelim!"

"Günaydın!" she replied, smiling back

"How is it possible for you to always be so beautiful so early in the morning?!" he exclaimed, going closer to her and kneeling down besides the bathtub

He caught the hand that was closer to him and kissed it.

"Maybe it is because I have such an attractive man by my side." she teased sweetly

Mert smiled at her response and kissed her.

When he pulled away, he looked at her mesmerising green eyes, touched her face with one hand and said "Every day I effortlessly keep falling in love with you over and over again..."

Without breaking eye contact, Leyla lifted her hand and touched it against the back of Mert's big hand, after which she brought that same hand down to her lips and pressed a tender kiss on the inside of his hand.

"I love you so much, too..." she said

Mert kissed her again, after which he moved his hand from her face and dipped it into the water, touching her bare legs, sending shivers to her whole body. Her lips pulled his lips to themselves like a magnet for more kisses, while, at the same time, his hand was expertly stroking her legs, as well as her beautiful torso.

Leyla just experienced one of the most erotic moments in her life. Yes, they did not make love, but the moment felt really intimate and she loved it.

When Mert finally pulled away, he looked back at Leyla's eyes, smiled satisfyingly and said "I will let you enjoy your bath in peace.", after which gave her one more kiss and left the bathroom, as well as the bedroom.

He went downstairs, in his room, to prepare himself for the day.

Around twenty minutes later Leyla's bath time was over and she got dressed. Her nightmare was still haunting her and for a moment she again thought about the possibility of her fear becoming reality. This time she felt like someone had squeezed her heart, which made her put a hand over the place of her heart and take deeper breaths. Emir was returning from Ankara soon and this was making it even harder for Leyla.

The next moment Leyla's phone beeped with two new text messages - one from Mert and one from Emir. Before deciding which message to open first, she first read them from her notifications.

Mert: "If you need anything, I will be in my room. Seni seviyorum!"

Emir: "I hope you are ready for our adventures tonight."

Leyla opened Mert's message and send him a red heart emoticon, while Emir's message was just marked as read.

Although it had not been even half an hour since they had just spent time together, Leyla felt the need to go to Mert. He was the only person who understood her completely and knew how she felt. The only one who knew the real Leyla and with whom she could be entirely herself and to whom she could show herself vulnerable. Because she knew he would not harm her in any way.

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