23.Unseen Threats

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For Sam, it was difficult to separate the roles of mother and warden, but that was what the doctor prescribed, and she had to learn. If Jenna wasn't interested in an activity, Sam would respect her boundaries. Doing things together was foreign to both of them, and Sam struggled to offer anything meaningful to a child raised to be so independent.

Sam took time off work to drive Jenna to and from school, joining stay-at-home parents for small talk to learn what "normal" parents did with their kids. Most conversations revolved around the monotony of their lives and feeling unappreciated. The school was pleased since there had been no incidents, and Jenna was sleeping better, though she still refused to say "I love you" back to Sam and wasn't a fan of cuddles or affection.

Next week's therapy session felt like it arrived later than a normal week would, Sam was hoping she'd be given the straight instructions instead of her asking how to show love to her own child since she'd never received it growing up.

Ben couldn't make it to this session due to some serious important work commitment. Sam was annoyed and knowing his existence was required, but the session couldn't be postponed and obviously Pip and Blake weren't impressed by Ben's absence but also it was not their first time facing with lack of motivation in one of parents.

Pip was sitting opposite to Sam holding her both hands together. "From this stage on, I will be taking over the lead of Jenn's treatment"

"Jenna" Sam corrected her. "Jenna. She doesn't like to be called Jenn; she'll get mad."

"She was ok with me calling her Jen, but as I was saying Blake still will be overseeing the whole process, and I cost you much less."

Sam's half attention was gone; she was gone to a point of selective hearing wondering if she should get a second opinion or trust these people, as they seemed they were honest and professional, focus! She had to keep listening. " .... need Ben also be actively involved to get the best results." Pip avoided looking at Blake in case he was rolling his eyes playfully.

"Now shall we begin?" Pip stood up and waited for Sam to join her

"Sure, sure." Sam picked her purse and followed Pip to other office.

"We are going to have some exercise here and you will continue them at home. I can see some improvements already, so please continue on doing a great job" they joined Jenna in the other room where she was already busy with another lady watching her.

That part took about an hour and Sam felt she had now some ideas in how to improve their relationship.

It was still daylight when they pulled into the driveway, but as Sam and Jenna stepped inside the house, an unexpected sound stopped Sam in her tracks. Laughter—light, playful giggling—drifted down from upstairs, mingled with low murmurs that were unmistakably familiar. Sam's stomach tightened, a flush of unease creeping up her spine.

Jenna, oblivious to the tension, beamed with excitement. "Lucille is back! Yay!" she exclaimed, darting toward the staircase with newfound energy, as if all past conflicts had been erased.

Panic surged through Sam. Her heart pounded wildly, each beat echoing in her ears. Instinctively, she lunged forward and grabbed Jenna's arm, pulling her back before she could ascend the stairs.

"Wait, sweetheart," Sam said, her voice strained and shaky. Her mind raced with questions and worst-case scenarios. Why was Lucille here? And why were they laughing like that?

Gathering herself, Sam called out, trying to keep her voice steady. "Ben? What's going on up there?"

There was a sudden hush upstairs, the laughter abruptly cutting off. A few tense moments passed before heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs. Ben appeared, his hair slightly tousled and a flush colouring his cheeks. He seemed startled, his eyes widening a fraction upon seeing them.

"Girls, you're home early," he said, attempting a casual tone that didn't quite land. He ran a hand through his hair, a nervous gesture Sam knew all too well.

Before Sam could respond, Lucille emerged at the top of the stairs. Her usually composed demeanour was replaced with a subtle awkwardness, her smile a bit too forced and her eyes avoiding direct contact.

Lucille said, her voice a touch breathless. "I was just picking up a few things I left here."

Sam's gaze flickered between them, noting every detail—the disheveled appearances, the shared glances, the lingering traces of amusement on their faces. Unease twisted into suspicion, a cold knot forming in her stomach.

"I tried calling you, but couldn't get through," Lucille continued, her words tumbling out quickly. "Ben was kind enough to let me in."

Silence hung heavy in the air; the earlier laughter now replaced by palpable tension. Jenna looked up at her mother, sensing the change but not fully understanding it.

Ben cleared his throat, shoving his hands into his pockets. "We were just catching up. How was the therapy session?"

The question felt like an afterthought, lacking genuine interest. Sam noticed the slight tremor in his voice, the way he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Her mind raced with unanswered questions and unsettling possibilities, each more distressing than the last.

"Productive," Sam replied curtly, her voice edged with frost. "Maybe we can discuss it later."

An uncomfortable silence settled over them once more. Lucille glanced at her watch, seizing the opportunity to escape. "I should get going. Thanks for your help, Ben."

She descended the stairs swiftly, carrying a duffle bag, offering a fleeting smile before brushing past Sam and Jenna toward the door. As it closed behind her, Sam turned back to Ben, her eyes searching his for answers he seemed unwilling or unable to provide.

Ben explained, "The meeting with the client wrapped up earlier than I expected, and they decided to head straight to the airport instead of staying the night at a hotel. Otherwise, I would have been with them until late."

Sam felt a storm of emotions brewing inside her, unsure of what hurt more—the realisation of how easily Ben and Lucille could be involved with each other, or the fact that Lucille hadn't even offered Jenna a hug. Maybe her mother-in-law wasn't so crazy after all. How many times had they been alone together? Was Ben the secret crush Lucille had mentioned before?

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