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Chapter 2: The Bond of Silence

By the time they were both twelve, Kiyotaka and Suzune were known as the loners of the school. The other students whispered about them, wondering how two people so aloof could be so smart and so close to each other. But Kiyotaka and Suzune didn't care. They had found something in each other that was worth more than the opinions of others.

Their days followed a familiar pattern: they would walk to school together, sit together during lunch (often in silence, content in each other's company), and walk home together. It was an unspoken agreement that they preferred each other's company over anyone else's.

Despite his stoic exterior, Kiyotaka found himself looking forward to these moments with Suzune. She was different from the others—not just in how she isolated herself, but in her intense determination to be the best. It reminded him of the relentless training in the White Room, but with one crucial difference: Suzune's drive came from within, not from external pressure.

One afternoon, as they sat in their usual spot under the tree after school, Suzune suddenly asked, "Do you ever get tired of being alone?"

Kiyotaka, caught off guard by the question, took a moment before replying. "Not really. I think I'm used to it. What about you?"

Suzune thought for a moment, her expression softening just a little. "Sometimes. But... it's better than pretending to be something I'm not, just to fit in."

Kiyotaka nodded in agreement. He understood that all too well. "You don't have to pretend with me," he said quietly.

She looked at him, her usual icy gaze softening. "And you don't have to pretend with me, either."

That simple exchange marked a turning point in their friendship. They started sharing more about themselves, though Kiyotaka was careful not to reveal too much about his past. Suzune, in turn, opened up about her struggles to meet the high expectations of her family, and how she felt the need to prove herself in everything she did.

As the school year went on, their bond grew stronger. They spent hours studying together, competing to see who could score higher on tests, though neither ever cared much about winning. It was more about the shared experience, the silent support they offered each other.

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