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Chapter: Quiet Affection

The first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Kiyotaka blinked, adjusting his eyes to the brightness. He lay on his side, propped up on one elbow, watching the still figure beside him.

Suzune was asleep, her breathing slow and steady. Her face, usually so composed and serious, looked peaceful in her sleep. Kiyotaka allowed himself a rare moment of indulgence, simply observing her. There was something about the quiet intimacy of the early morning that made everything feel different, more personal.

For a while, he just watched her. She seemed so vulnerable like this, a stark contrast to the strong, independent girl she was during the day. In this quiet moment, Kiyotaka realized just how much their relationship had grown. They had started out as two people who happened to understand each other, but now... Now, things were different.

Without thinking, he reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

Suzune stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She blinked a few times, adjusting to the morning light. When her gaze met his, there was no trace of her usual guardedness—just a quiet, unspoken understanding.

"You're staring," she murmured, her voice still soft with sleep.

Kiyotaka gave a small shrug, his usual nonchalance in place, but his gaze softened. "You're the one who said I should pay more attention to you."

Suzune's lips quirked up into a small smile, one that she rarely showed anyone but him. "I didn't think that meant watching me sleep."

He didn't respond immediately, instead, he leaned in slightly, brushing his lips gently across her forehead in a brief, affectionate kiss. It was a simple gesture, but the intimacy of it made Suzune's heart skip a beat. She wasn't used to this kind of affection—not from Kiyotaka, not from anyone. But with him, it felt... natural.

She didn't say anything, but the warmth in her chest spread as she snuggled a little closer to him under the covers. Kiyotaka's arm slipped around her waist, pulling her closer, and they lay there in silence for a while, simply enjoying the comfort of each other's presence.

Section 2: Breakfast Together

Later that morning, the two of them moved through the small apartment in comfortable silence, preparing breakfast together. Kiyotaka had insisted on cooking, as usual, while Suzune set the table. The cameras were still watching, but it was easy to forget about them when they were like this.

Kiyotaka stood at the stove, flipping pancakes with the same calm precision he applied to everything. Suzune, who wasn't much of a cook herself, watched him from across the room, admiring the ease with which he handled even the simplest tasks.

"You're too good at this," Suzune remarked, leaning against the counter with her arms crossed. Her tone was teasing, but there was an underlying note of appreciation. "Are you sure you didn't train to be a chef in that mysterious past of yours?"

Kiyotaka gave her a sidelong glance, his lips twitching in the faintest hint of a smile. "I've told you before—it's just a skill I picked up. Nothing more."

Suzune walked over to him, standing beside him at the stove, close enough that their shoulders brushed. "You know, you don't have to do everything by yourself. I could help."

Kiyotaka raised an eyebrow, glancing at her. "Last time you tried, we almost burned the kitchen down."

Suzune's cheeks flushed slightly at the memory. She wasn't used to being bad at things, but cooking was something she had yet to master. Still, there was a lightness in Kiyotaka's tone that made it clear he wasn't really upset.

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