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Chapter 3: The Growth of Trust

By the time they entered the seventh grade, Kiyotaka and Suzune had become inseparable, despite still being seen as outcasts by their peers. Their teachers often commented on how well they worked together, whether it was on school projects or in physical education, where their competitive nature always pushed them to excel.

One day, during a particularly challenging math lesson, their teacher, Mrs. Tanaka, assigned the class a group project. Naturally, Kiyotaka and Suzune paired up, though it wasn't long before the rest of the class started murmuring about how unfair it was. "Of course, they'll get the highest grade," one student grumbled. "They're like super-geniuses or something."

The comment didn't bother them, but Suzune could sense that it was starting to create tension. That afternoon, as they walked home, she brought it up. "Do you ever wish we could just blend in, like everyone else?"

Kiyotaka thought about it. "Sometimes. But then we wouldn't be us, would we?"

Suzune smiled slightly at that. "I suppose not."

They continued the project together, focusing on the work rather than the noise around them. But something shifted in Suzune. For the first time, she began to see the value in being part of something bigger than just herself and Kiyotaka. However, the thought of letting others in still felt foreign, even uncomfortable.

Their project ended up being a success, as expected, and they both received high praise. But instead of feeling proud, Suzune felt a twinge of frustration. She realized that she didn't just want to be the best in school; she wanted to understand why she felt this way, why Kiyotaka's presence in her life had become so important.

One evening, after they finished studying at the library, Suzune finally voiced her thoughts. "Kiyotaka, why do you think we're like this? Why do we only talk to each other?"

Kiyotaka looked at her, sensing the deeper question behind her words. "Maybe because we understand each other in a way that no one else can. We don't have to explain ourselves."

Suzune nodded, though she wasn't entirely satisfied with the answer. "But... what if that's not enough?"

Kiyotaka raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. "What do you mean?"

She hesitated before speaking. "What if we're missing out on something? On... other connections, other experiences?"

Kiyotaka considered her words carefully. "Maybe we are. But I think as long as we have each other, we're not missing out on anything important."

His answer, simple and direct as it was, brought a sense of clarity to Suzune. She realized that it wasn't about the number of connections they had, but the depth of the one they shared. And in that moment, she felt something change within her—a shift from simple friendship to something deeper, something she wasn't ready to admit just yet.

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