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Chapter: Clinging Through the Storm

The wind howled outside the apartment, rattling the windows with relentless force. Heavy rain pelted against the glass, and the sky was dark and ominous, even though it was only mid-afternoon. Suzune stood by the window, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared out into the storm.

"It looks like it's getting worse," she muttered, her voice barely audible over the noise of the wind.

Kiyotaka, who was sitting on the couch, glanced up from the book he had been reading. "It's a pretty bad storm. I wouldn't be surprised if the power goes out."

Suzune frowned, a flicker of unease crossing her face. She wasn't afraid of storms, not really. But there was something about the idea of being trapped inside, with no power, that made her uncomfortable. She quickly shook the thought away, reminding herself that there was no reason to worry.

As if on cue, the lights flickered once, then twice, before plunging the apartment into darkness.

A small gasp escaped Suzune's lips, and she instinctively took a step back from the window. For a moment, the only sounds were the storm outside and the sudden silence inside the apartment. The familiar hum of electricity had disappeared, leaving them in an eerie stillness.

Kiyotaka set his book down and stood up, his movements calm and measured, as always. "Looks like I was right."

Suzune didn't respond immediately, her eyes adjusting to the dim light from the stormy sky outside. Even though she had known it was a possibility, the sudden loss of power still sent a wave of unease through her.

Kiyotaka moved toward the closet where they kept a few emergency supplies. He pulled out a couple of flashlights and handed one to Suzune. "Here."

She took it, her fingers brushing against his for a brief moment. The contact, though fleeting, was enough to ground her a little. Kiyotaka always had a way of calming her down, even in situations that made her feel unsettled.

"They said the storm might last a couple of days," Kiyotaka said, his voice even and reassuring. "We should be prepared for the power to be out for a while."

Suzune nodded, but her mind was racing. A couple of days? With no heat, no lights? And the storm outside didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. The thought of being stuck in the dark for that long made her chest tighten.

Kiyotaka noticed the tension in her shoulders and the way she was gripping the flashlight a little too tightly. He stepped closer, his presence solid and reassuring. "The cameras are still working. They have a backup power supply, so we're still being monitored. And we have enough food and blankets to get through this."

Suzune let out a small breath, forcing herself to relax. Kiyotaka was right, as usual. There was no reason to panic. They had everything they needed, and as long as Kiyotaka was with her, she knew she would be fine.

But even as she tried to reassure herself, a part of her couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that came with being in the dark. She had never been fond of darkness, not since she was a child. It made her feel exposed, like anything could happen, and she wouldn't be able to stop it.

Kiyotaka must have sensed her unease because, without saying a word, he stepped closer to her. "Let's gather some blankets and stay in the living room," he suggested. "It'll be warmer if we stick together."

Suzune nodded, grateful for his calm demeanor. They quickly gathered blankets and pillows, making a makeshift bed on the floor of the living room. Kiyotaka lit a few candles for extra light, their warm glow casting soft shadows on the walls.

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