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a/n this a very sus chapter and very funny read at your own risk all so this my best puforming book with over 200 reader per chapter so thank for reading and pleas coment some ideas if you have any.

Chapter: A Date at the School Mall

It was a rare day off for Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and Suzune Horikita, and they had decided to spend it together, exploring the school's massive mall. Despite the intensity of their first year at Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, they had found time to nurture their budding relationship. Today was one of those precious days where they could just relax and enjoy each other's company without the pressure of school hanging over them.

The mall was bustling with students, all taking advantage of the break in classes. As they strolled through the various shops, Suzune found herself feeling unusually light-hearted, a contrast to her usual serious demeanor. Kiyotaka, too, seemed more at ease than usual, his typical stoic expression softened by the warmth of her presence.

After wandering through a few clothing stores and browsing some books, Kiyotaka's eyes lit up as they passed by a food stall with a sign that read "Jumbo Hot Dogs – 11 Inches of Flavor!"

"Want to grab a bite?" Kiyotaka asked, nodding towards the stall.

Suzune glanced at the sign and raised an eyebrow. "Eleven inches? That's... quite large for a hot dog."

Kiyotaka smirked, his sense of humor peeking through. "Only one way to find out if it's worth the hype."

They approached the stall, where a few students were already in line. As they waited their turn, a group of boys standing nearby caught their attention. The boys were eyeing the hot dogs with a mix of awe and disbelief, their conversation loud enough to overhear.

"Dude, that hot dog is like, almost three times my size," one of the boys said, his voice tinged with a mix of humor and self-consciousness.

"Yeah, man," another chimed in, chuckling. "I could never keep up with something that long. It's practically a weapon!"

The boys burst into laughter, their voices carrying over to where Kiyotaka and Suzune stood. Suzune couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly, but when she glanced at Kiyotaka, she noticed a mischievous glint in his eyes.

As they reached the front of the line and placed their order, Suzune leaned in closer to Kiyotaka, her voice low and teasing. "So, Kiyotaka," she began, a smirk playing on her lips, "does the size of this hot dog make you feel self-conscious?"

Kiyotaka turned to her, his expression unreadable for a moment before a slow, almost imperceptible smile curled the corners of his mouth. "Actually," he said, his voice calm and matter-of-fact, "it doesn't bother me at all. Mine's the same size as this hot dog."

Suzune froze, her mind processing his words in stunned silence. Her eyes widened, and before she could stop herself, a deep blush spread across her cheeks. She hadn't expected him to respond so confidently—or so suggestively.

Kiyotaka, noticing her reaction, couldn't resist pushing her a little further. "In fact," he continued, his tone still casual, "I'd say I'm more than satisfied with what I've got. No need to compete with a hot dog, right?"

Suzune's face turned an even deeper shade of red as she struggled to find a response. She had intended to tease him, but it seemed the tables had turned, and now she was the one flustered and speechless.

Kiyotaka, enjoying her reaction more than he would ever admit, decided to keep going. "You know, Suzune, some people say size doesn't matter as much as how you use it. But I guess it's nice to have both, don't you think?"

Suzune's eyes widened further, and she turned her gaze away, her embarrassment clear. "Kiyotaka, stop," she muttered, but her voice lacked its usual sternness, sounding more like a plea than a command.

Undeterred, Kiyotaka leaned in closer, his voice low and teasing. "Are you sure? I could keep going. After all, it's not every day we get to compare hot dogs to—"

"Kiyotaka!" Suzune cut him off, her face practically glowing with embarrassment. She crossed her arms and shot him a half-hearted glare, though the effect was diminished by the redness of her cheeks.

Kiyotaka chuckled softly, finally relenting. "Alright, alright. I'll stop... for now."

Their hot dogs were ready, and Kiyotaka handed one to Suzune, who accepted it with a grateful nod, still trying to compose herself. They found a small table nearby and sat down, the atmosphere between them a mix of lingering embarrassment and playful teasing.

As they started eating, Suzune couldn't help but glance at Kiyotaka from time to time, her mind still replaying his earlier comments. Despite her initial embarrassment, she couldn't deny that there was something strangely endearing about his confidence and the way he had turned her teasing back on her.

Kiyotaka, for his part, seemed completely unfazed by the conversation, eating his hot dog with the same calm, composed demeanor he always had. But Suzune knew him well enough by now to catch the subtle signs—the slight curve of his lips, the occasional glance in her direction—that indicated he was still very much amused by the whole situation.

After a few minutes of silence, Kiyotaka spoke up again, his tone light. "You know, Suzune, if you ever need more advice on hot dogs or... anything else, I'm always here to help."

Suzune nearly choked on her food, her face flushing again. "You really don't know when to quit, do you?"

Kiyotaka smiled, a rare but genuine smile that made her heart skip a beat. "Not when it comes to making you blush. It's a good look on you."

Despite herself, Suzune couldn't help but smile back, her earlier embarrassment fading as she realized how much she enjoyed these moments with him—moments where they could just be themselves, without the weight of school or their future hanging over them.

"Alright, Kiyotaka," she said, her voice softer now, "you win this round. But don't think I'll let you get away with it next time."

Kiyotaka chuckled, his eyes warm as he met her gaze. "I'll look forward to it."

They finished their hot dogs, the playful banter between them making the meal one of the most enjoyable they'd had in a long time. As they left the mall, the sun setting in the distance, Suzune found herself feeling lighter than she had in a while, her heart warmed by the knowledge that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she and Kiyotaka would face them together—with a lot of laughter and a few embarrassing moments along the way.

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