Chapter 4

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what I picture Elara's flat to look like


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Elara had been busy with work and caring for Orion, finding little time for herself. Harry's messages had been consistent and welcomed, but she was still grappling with her apprehension. Harry had been asking for a few days if he could come and visit her at her flat. He explained that he just wanted to see where she lived and meet her in a space she was comfortable in. She eventually agreed to let Harry visit her flat, but only after much contemplation.

The evening arrived, and Elara spent the afternoon preparing for Harry's visit. She obsessively cleaned the entire flat, cleaning areas of the flat that Harry wouldn't even see. She doubted Harry was going to notice some dust on the top corner of her bookshelf, but still just in case it needed to be cleaned. She was making herself sick with anxiety making sure everything was in order, and prepared a simple but welcoming dinner. The flat was cozy and inviting, filled with the warmth of a well-lived home.

When Harry arrived, he brought a small bouquet of flowers, a gesture that made Elara's heart flutter. "I thought these might brighten up your evening," he said with a shy smile.

"They're beautiful, how did you know roses and lilies were my favorite? Thank you," Elara replied with the biggest grin she thinks she has ever shared with someone. She took the flowers from Harry and welcomed him into her home. She led him into the kitchen to put them in a vase.

Harry gave her a shy smile and a little shrug "Just a lucky guess I suppose...or I'm just good like that" he said with a slight chuckle. He followed close behind her into the kitchen. On the way he took some time to look around the hallway that was lined with family photos and a lot of just Orion. Harry smiled as he walked by a professional photo of Orion and Elara that was taken in what looks to be Hampstead Heath during the winter. As they walked into the kitchen Harry got a look at her living room. He noticed how warm everything felt in her home. It made him feel comfortable almost immediately.

"So I thought I would make eggplant parm...I wasn't sure if you ate meat or not so I thought this would be a good middle ground just in case" Elara said leaning her back against the counter in front of where Harry stood in the doorway. Her voice caused Harry to put his attention back on her. Once his eyes met hers he gave her a small smile and headed in the room closer to her. He stood in front of her with his arms crossed causally across his chest.

"Eggplant parm is perfect, it's one of my favorites actually" he replied hoping to ease her very obvious nerves.

"Oh great okay...yeah that's great" she smiles but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. She turns around to face the stove trying to calm her nerves down. As she hangs her head between her shoulders with her eyes closed she feels Harry get closer behind her. She can feel the warmth radiating off of his body. He places his hand on her shoulder prompting her to turn around to face him. He smiles warmly at her just wanting her to feel a little more comfortable around him. She forces her eyes down to the floor not wanting to look at him. She noticed the first night they met that Harry as quite an intense gaze and she can't find it in herself to meet it.

"Elara, look at me please" Harry says in a soft voice. When she doesn't make any moves he lifts his finger to under her chin lifting her head to force her to look at him. When her eyes finally meet his he smiles and tucks of strand of her hair behind her ear. "there are those pretty eyes...what's got you so nervous love? It's only me , everything is okay I promise"

She sighs and nods looking down but immediately meeting his gaze again. "I know I'm sorry I'm just so nervous...I haven't had a man in my home like this in a long time and I don't know I just can't shake these nerves, I've really enjoyed talking to you and getting to know you but I'm also just so scared" she explains to him never once breaking their eye contact.

Harry hums and purses his lips nodding his head. "I get that...letting someone new in is always a little scary but once you let them in it feels so good, I'm not here with any expectations Elara I swear. I just want to get to know you, I really enjoy talking to you that's all" He gives her a reassuring smile. "Let's enjoy this delicious dinner that you worked so hard on, no expectations just two people getting to know one does that sound?" he asks her.

She looks up at him and gives him a soft smile with a nod. "That sounds lovely, just two people getting to know one another...I like that" She turns towards the cabinets to grab two plates. "Help me set the table up?" She asks handing him a plate. He smiles and takes it from her helping her set the dining room table.

As they enjoyed dinner, Elara found herself feeling more at ease. Harry's thoughtful conversation and genuine interest in her life made her feel comfortable. They talked about their favorite books, movies, and their dreams for the future.

After dinner, Elara asked if he would like to move to the living room, where Elara had set up a cozy spot with a few blankets and cushions. Harry settled beside her with his second glass of wine and they continued their conversation, sharing stories and laughing about little things from their childhoods. Elara found herself completely getting lost in Harry. She swore his laugh was the most beautiful sound she has ever heard. She vowed from that moment she would do anything to hear him laugh like that again.

The evening felt relaxed and enjoyable, but Elara's cautious nature remained. She was wary of letting her guard down too quickly, aware of the complexities of her life as a single mother. She appreciated Harry's patience and understanding, but she needed time to fully trust him, and Harry was willing to wait for as long as it took. He couldn't remember a time where he felt this comfortable or happy just being in someone's presence. He couldn't get over how she would smile when she would let herself fully relax and open up to Harry. Her smile was contagious he was sure it was something that could cure any illness in the world. He thought for sure that her smile was the thing poets often wrote about. He vowed from that day that he would do anything to see her smile like that again.

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