Chapter 12

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The sun streamed through the living room window of Elara's childhood home, casting a warm glow over the room. Orion was happily playing with the family dog, a golden retriever named Max, who seemed to be enjoying the attention as much as Orion did. Elara's parents and older brother, Daniel, sat around the dining table, catching up and enjoying their coffee.

Elara took a deep breath, feeling a sense of comfort and nostalgia. It had been a while since she'd had a chance to visit her family, and today was a perfect opportunity to share some exciting news. She settled into a chair opposite her parents, her heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement.

"So, I have some news to share," Elara began, her eyes sparkling with happiness. Daniel's head shoots over to look at her from where he was previously watching Orion play with the dog. His eyes are widened in disbelief "Oh fuck La please don't tell me you got yourself knocked up by some dickhead again" he said in desperation. It's not that Daniel didn't love Orion because he absolutely did, and it wasn't because he thought Elara wasn't a good mum because he knew for a fact she was an amazing mum. It was more of he didn't want to see his younger sister go through what she had to when she was pregnant with Orion.

Daniel hated Marcus from the second Elara brought him home to meet everyone. Daniel knew straight away he was a piece of shit and genuinely tried every way possible to make Elara see that before she fully committed to him. When Elara came home and shared the announcement that she was pregnant Daniel knew exactly how it was going to play out, almost like he saw into the future. Him and Elara have a very close relationship. They were only three years apart and as one of his older brother duties he always vowed to protect her. He did a pretty good job at it until she graduated high school and went off to university. He wasn't able to be around her as often and so he partially blames himself for Elara meeting Marcus.

Elara looked at her brother her eyes filled with annoyance at fist but quickly softening once she remembered that Daniel was her number one supporter when Marcus bailed. She sighs and shakes her head letting out a light chuckle. "No Danny don't worry I'm not pregnant, but I have met someone...and he means a lot to me" she says a smile full of fondness appearing across her lips. Daniel's eyes met hers and he could tell how serious she was. He gives her a small smile and nods his head "Alright then La what's the lucky blokes name then?" He asks resting his elbows on the table with his head in his hands. Her grin widens and she feels her cheeks get rosy just at the thought of saying his name. "His name is Harry" she replies not being able to hide the smile on her face.

Her mother's eyes lit up, and she leans in, her curiosity piqued. "Harry? That's wonderful, dear. Do we know him? I don't think I remember a Harry when you kids were growing up. Tell us more about him."

Elara smiled warmly. "No mum I don't think you know him. He's just someone I met by chance while out with Lila one night. He's amazing though. He's been so kind and thoughtful. He treats me with so much respect and care. And Orion absolutely adores him."

Her father, who had been quietly listening, nodded wearily, remembering the last time she said something similar about Marcus. "That's good to hear poppet. As long as he treats you properly and always makes sure that pretty smile of yours never leaves your face, than that's all that matters" Elara's mum smiles and nods agreeing with her father. "We just want you to be happy my girl, what does this Harry do for work then?" She asks fully invested in learning about the man who her daughter seems to be smitten with.

Elara continued a grin never leaving her lips, her voice filled with affection. "Harry works in the music industry. He's a musician and songwriter. You might have heard of him—he's been pretty popular a while now actually. It's uh Harry Styles, from that boy group when I was a bit younger...One Direction, he went solo a few years back and has been absolutely smashing it on his own"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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