Chapter 5

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Elara and Harry had been spending more time together, their connection deepening with each encounter. Over the past few weeks, they had settled into a comfortable rhythm of coffee dates, late-night phone calls, and shared laughter. Despite the growing closeness, Elara still felt a tinge of caution—she was protective of her heart and, more importantly, of Orion's.

On this particular Saturday, they had decided to meet at Hampstead Heath, a sprawling, picturesque park that offered a respite from the bustle of London. The late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden light across the landscape, making everything seem a little more magical. Elara had chosen a simple but pretty sundress, the light fabric fluttering around her legs as she walked, while Orion held tightly to her hand, his other hand clutching his favorite stuffed lion, Leo.

Harry was waiting for them near the entrance, looking effortlessly handsome in a yellow open button up with a white tank top underneath that contrasted with his dark tan pants. His face lit up as soon as he saw them approaching, and he waved with a broad smile.

"Hey, you two," Harry greeted them, his eyes flicking between Elara and Orion. He crouched down to Orion's level, extending a hand for a high-five. "How's are you doing today little man?"

Orion grinned and slapped Harry's hand with all the enthusiasm a 5-year-old could muster. "Good! I brought Leo with me. He's never seen a big park like this before."

"Well, Leo's in for a treat," Harry said with a chuckle, straightening up and turning his attention to Elara. "And how about you? Ready for a bit of an adventure?"

Elara smiled, feeling a familiar flutter in her chest at the sight of Harry's warm, easy demeanor. "Absolutely. It's been a while since I've had a chance to really relax and enjoy the outdoors."

The three of them set off down the gravel path, Orion eagerly leading the way with Leo tucked under his arm. The park was alive with activity—families picnicking on the grass, joggers weaving through the trees, and children's laughter echoing through the air. Despite the liveliness, there was a peacefulness to the setting, a sense of calm that seemed to settle over Elara as they walked.

"I've always loved parks," Harry said as they passed a group of children playing a game of football. "There's something grounding about being in nature, away from the city's noise and chaos. It's like you can finally breathe."

Elara nodded, appreciating the tranquility around them. "I feel the same way. It's nice to step away from the routine and just... be. Plus, it's a great way to wear out this little guy." She gestured to Orion, who was now skipping ahead, his excitement palpable.

Harry laughed, the sound rich and warm. "He's got a lot of energy, that's for sure. But it's good to see him so happy."

As they continued their walk, the conversation flowed easily between them. Harry shared stories from his childhood, about the parks he used to visit with his sister, Gemma, and how they would spend hours playing hide-and-seek among the trees. Elara found herself reminiscing as well, talking about the weekends she spent at her grandparents' countryside home, where she and her brother would climb trees and catch frogs by the pond.

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