Chapter 9

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Trigger Warning: Talks of an abusive relationship
The afternoon sun was casting a soft glow through the windows of Elara's cozy home. Elara was in the middle of preparing a snack for Orion when she heard a sharp knock on the front door. It was unusual for anyone to visit at this time, and her pulse quickened with a sense of unease.

She wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and walked cautiously to the door, peeking through the peephole. Her heart sank when she saw Marcus standing there, his face twisted with anger. She took a deep breath, steeling herself before opening the door.

"Marcus," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "What are you doing here?"

Marcus pushed past her, barging into the house with an air of entitlement. His eyes were cold and furious, and his demeanor was aggressive. "I came to see my son," he snapped. "You've been keeping him from me, and I want to know why."

Elara's heart raced, and she took a step back, her voice trembling. "Marcus, this isn't the time. Orion is napping, and I don't want him to wake up to this"

Marcus's face flushed with rage. "I don't fucking care if he's sleeping or not! I have fucking rights, and you can't just keep him from me. I'm his god damn father!"

Elara's hands were shaking as she tried to maintain her composure. "You haven't been involved in his life for a few years. You left us, and now you show up demanding to see him?"

Marcus sneered, his tone harsh and accusatory. "Left you? You're the one who ruined us by having a baby I never fucking wanted! You're making a mess of everything, and now I'm not going to tell you again I want to see my fucking son."

Elara's eyes filled with tears, and she struggled to keep her voice firm. "This isn't the way to handle things, Marcus. You need to leave. Please, just go home and take some time to cool off I don't want Orion to see this please Marcus"

Marcus's anger escalated, and he stepped closer to Elara, his voice rising. "You think you can just shut me out? I'm not going anywhere until I see Orion you stupid bitch."

Fear gripped Elara, and she felt a surge of panic. She glanced around the room, her thoughts racing as she tried to figure out how to handle the situation. Her hands trembled as she reached for her phone secretly dialing Harry's number behind her back with a sense of urgency. When Marcus turned to shut the front door Elara used that as an opportunity to run into Orions room shutting the door as quickly but as quietly as she could. She held her phone to her ear as she listened to Marcus walking around her flat looking for her.

Harry's phone buzzed with Elara's name on the screen. He answered immediately knowing that Elara planned to spend a relaxing day with Orion and wouldn't be on her phone, his voice filled with concern. "Elara? Is everything okay?"

Her voice was shaky as she spoke. "Harry, I need help. Marcus is here, and he's being really aggressive. I'm so scared that he's going to do something"

Harry's tone became firm and reassuring. "Stay calm, Elara. I'm on my way. Where are you?"

Elara sniffled and tried to control the tears streaming down her face. "I ran into Orion's room, I can't let him hurt my baby Harry please" She ends her sentence in a heart wrenching sob.

Harry closes his eyes momentarily to compose himself. He has never in his life heard someone cry like that, out of complete fear. It was a sound he will never forget. "Okay baby its okay he's not gonna hurt him I'm on my way right now I'm coming right to you" he said in the most reassuring voice he could. "Just stay with Orion and lock the door okay? I'm almost there I promise"

Elara's heart pounded "Okay...please hurry Harry" she hung up the phone and hurried to lock the door. Marcus continued to pace angrily, his frustration palpable. "You think you can just fucking hide behind locked doors? I have a right to see my son Elara! You're such a selfish fucking bitch and you always have been!"

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