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As the light shines over Aisha's face after I pull away the curtains in her room to wake her up,I expect a wide smile that would be present on her lips when she'll open her eyes and it was there when I climbed over her.

My 11 year old self felt so lively and joyful after seeing my sister so happy. Her smile was always so radiant no matter how tired she was or in whatever condition,she had the prettiest smile which relaxed my heart.

I had so much love for my sister. She was like a second mother to me. She was my safe person,having her with me just made my life even more blessed.

No matter in which problem I was stuck in,she would always be there to help me out of it.

"How come my brother's up so early?"

She chirped,cupping my face before leaving a gentle kiss on my forehead making me laugh out loud which was like music to her ears.

"I had no school today so I wanted to get up early and play with you today!"

I was always so excited upon seeing her. She was my bestfriend. And I had always seen her smile and laugh in my 11 years that I had lived in this world.

But one thing that made that prettiest smile of her vanish away was Food. It would always steal away the happiness in her eyes,the life out of her body. Food was something that would scare her but I was 11 years old that time,what could have I known?

It wasn't all serious to me until one day. One day,when I entered her room late at night she was nowhere in her room which confused me but upon hearing some gagging noises from the bathroom,my little steps dragged me towards there.

My heart beated out of my chest in fear and disgust when I saw her making herself gag and provoke herself to puke,to vomit everything that she had happily eaten sitting at the dining table with all our family,so happily in the toilet.

She looked so..omnious. It was the first time that I was horrified to get close to her. There was blood in her vomit but she wasn't stopping till she heard a loud thud of my falling back onto the floor.

Her eyes that were so soul-less,so empty and so dark that I my body trembled with fear. My eyes teared up as I tried to crawl away from her but upon seeing me,she crawls so quickly towards me that I didn't even had time to scream out of horror upon seeing her so close to me.

My heeat pounded like it was going to jump out of my mouth anytime. It was like a demon has possessed her. She places her palms over my little throat that was useless at that moment.

She doesn't puts on pressure but still it felt like I was being choked.

"My precious little brother.."

She whispers,as my eyes shed silent tears wanting to get her away from me. She smiles,so widely with blood all around her mouth,the pungant smell of vomit making my nauseous too.

She couldn't be my sister..she wasn't the Aisha I knew. The Aisha I used to run over to all happily. The Aisha that used to catch me with open arms and vibrant smiles. Were all those smiles..fake?

"You're not going to..tell anyone about this right? If you did..I won't play with you anymore..okay? My lovely Jungkook.."

No matter what the situation was,she always had the prettiest smile..even if had given me a trauma that I was sure eould haunt me for the rest of my life,even after she died.

"Is everything okay? You called me here in such an emergency Wooseok"

Y/n takes a seat opposite to Wooseok,who smiles softly before giving her a gentle nod.

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