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"Feeling better?"

Jungkook asks,as they both were riding their horses including Arlo—on their way to hunt something but they both were quite worried about Y/n whi was still having a hard time breathing.

"Yeah i'm fine,don't worry about me"

She proclaims,as Arlo aims his gun to shoot at a deer that was hiding behind the bushes and he was successful,hunting it down as he gets down and makes it way to wrap it and tie it behind his horse since he wasn't a very big one.

"We need to do better than this Arlo"

Jungkook speaks,making him nod with agreement.

"I think we should go further in to get some vicious animals"

Y/n's suggestion was already in his mind and he also agreed but taking her in there where there were chances of her Asthma triggering again,he shakes his head.

"I'll be fine Jungkook—i've the inhaler with me and oh come on,you don't even give a damn about me so isn't it better if my Asthma-"

He wasn't amused at all. His eyes dark as they were on her face,arms crossed over his chest and his expressions clearly told her that she was utteri g bullshit that he wasn't enjoying it all. Giving her intense chills,she lools at Arlo who gives her heads up to just shut up.

"You do give a damn about me? Really—"

"You really like to test my patience don't you babygirl?"

"But—you hate m—"

"Just because you think I hate you doesn't changes the fact that you're mine Y/n—get that in your mind"

I think..? He thinks that I think he hates me? Doesn't he hates me from the beginning of our story?

"You're staying here with Arlo and i'm going to hunt—"

"That's unfair!"

Y/n was actually stunned that he was treating her liek this,something so frail and fragile knowing that she was a literal police officer who had caught criminals like him all the damn time in her life.

But it was Arlo who was more offended by Jungkook's orders.

"I want to hunt brother—"

"Where you're going to hunt 5 animals in 5 minites i'm going to hunt 5 animals in 2 minutes Arlo. I'm leaving her under your care so act like a man this time—it's far important than hunting"

"Then why don't you stay near her?"

He looks back into Y/n's eyes,leaving a knot in her stomach the way he stared at her. Her whole body being set up on fire—his eyes weren't like before at all.

"I'm doing it for her"

For me? But why?

Arlo and Y/n stay behind,watching him leave as they stay their on their horses looking at his back.

"He's acting so—unusual"

"I don't know what has gotten into you Y/n. He's been so protective of you since the day your disorder was exposed. That night he stayed beside you all night,awake as he held your hand and stared at your face—sick worried. He had never been like this,never"

There's no way his hatred for me has vanished. That could never happen but why—why does he acts like there had never been any hatred between us? Like he sees me as someone whom he cares for,whom he wants in his life—whom he loves

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐒 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 Where stories live. Discover now