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Jungkook finally comes back home after spending the day literally killing men and getting done with Si-hyuk but he was sure that that asshole wouldn't sit all right and would again try to bring Y/n into all of this.

He didn't even like Y/n to the slightest but still him taking her name all so casually gave the biggest urge to punch his face away from his body. He just couldn't tolerate that shit and he was pretty frustrated by that.

Entering home,he was expecting Mom to greet him at the door as he announces a little "I'm home" expecting no one or just his mom to reply back with his head hung low but he gets a reply back which he definitely wasn't expecting.

"Welcome back,Jungkook"

It was Y/n,standing right in front of him making him confuse at first.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

She thought he was playing but that dumb look on his face told her otherwise.

"Get the hell out of that door right now you moron"

Seeing her getting so worked up,and that ring on her finger makes him groan in annoyance.

"Yes! Same! I've been groaning since morning as I prepared the dinner for you asshole!"

"Well who said yes to this marriage? Care to tell me?"

"Oh don't put it on me you piece of shit! You agreed too to play the role of the good obedient son!"

They both walk close to each other,pointing their fingers to their faces as anger drips from their tongues whisper screaming everything they said,not expecting anyone to see them.

"What's going on here?"

Mrs Jeon's voice make them both retrieve their fingers and just fake a wode slile full of love and compassion for each other,heads turning towards her direction of standing location.

"I just came from work Mom and was greeted by Y/n"

"Right,I was just helping him to take off his coat-"

"But i'm not wearing a coat.."

They both give each other an awkard look,Jungkook's words making her mad like MAD MAD.

Is this guy naturally stupid? Or was he dropped on his head when he was born?

"Then i'll help you take off your shirt-"

"Oh no thanks-"

Mrs Jeon couldn't help but smile how lively they were with each other,her eyes fixated on Jungkook as they turn soft how invested he was in her. There was a change in his behaviour somehow,he wasn't quiet anymore like he used to be before her arrival,his voice was able to be heard all over the house which fluttered her heart with happiness.

"Y/n? Have you served dinner?"

Looking at the clock,Y/n stops bickering with Jungkook and makes her way towards the kitchen to out the dinner on the table and call for everyone since everyone might be hungry.

She's so annoying gosh.

"You two seem to get along really well"

Never knew mom was this funny.

Just giving a low chuckle,he moves along with her to take a seat at the dining table and taste the food made his newly wedded wife.

She was made to sit right opposite to Jungkook,as all the food was served and everyone had started eating but Jungkook.

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