"Boss had been just all about his wife these days isn't he?"
"Would disagree with you—he hasn't even went to office all these days just because of her and that's actually quite rare to see him being so worried for anyone"
"He really loves her—that's why he's been with her"
The maids and the men gossip as they see Jungkook in the kitchen making soup for Y/n all by himself.
"Boss—I'll do it for you if you want"
"No. I wanna make it myself for her"
And they all just look at each other,surprised how he was being so concerned about someone for the first in his life after his sister.
Entering the room,he sees Y/n resting against the headboard with her eyes closed as the IV drips had been attached to her arm to provide her some energy.
"It's time to eat babygirl"
He speaks as she opens her eyes,faintly looking at him making him chuckle at her disgust.
"Jungkook I really don't wanna eat please"
"You can't go on with these IV drips for long Y/n. You need to get some real food in your body without—throwing it all out"
She was ashamed of what she did but it wasn't in her hands,she was helpless by it. She developed it without her knowing and with time she realised,there was no going back.
How come he's being so protective over me and not making fun of my disorder? Did I really underestimate him a bit too much? Or did he got hit by something after breakimg my inhaler to pieces? Strange.
"You need to take your meds too—so get up and i'll feed you"
She helps herself to sit up straight seeing him taking a seat beside her and spooning some of the soup blowing on it softly.
"Oprn your mouth"
She silently gets herself fed but just after a few bites,she places a hand in front of him in resistance which makes him heave out a sigh of heaviness.
"Jungkook I really can't anymore—"
His eyes turn a bit dark,giving her hints that he was gonna get mad but she wasn't used to this. She wasn't used to being fed till she'll be full like this. Previously when she would get sick,she would just starve herself till she'll be fine which she wasn't obviously.
"Be a good girl for me and eat. You need to or else you'll just hurt yourself and I don't want that—no one does"
His words were so remarkably soft being her enemy and hating her but right now hate was the last emotion he felt for her. Her safety mattered to him more than anything,that she would be alright and wouldn't die of starvation.
He didn't love her but yet,he didn't hate her anymore after knowing this misery. He wanted to see her face puffed and healthy,not bathing in that pale white color but a warm blush that would be there everytime she'll be happy or overwhelmed.
"Is it not to your liking?"
"No it's not that it's just—that I'm used to being starved while being sick"
Her voice a bit quiet,leaving him in shock upon hearing such words that just played with the strings inside his head and making his blood boil.
"Is eating that much of a big fucking bother Y/n? It's not your enemy"
Subtle yet aggressive.
"I want to eat! But I just can't"
He controls his anger,not wanting to lash out on her though he was burning from inside,not quite understanding why would she develop An!rexia? And why didn't Wooseok take any action about this? Didn't he know about all of this?

Fantasy"Say it. Say you hate me. Say you want to leave. But remember-no one will ever touch you like I do. No one will ever love you the way I do" "I hate you,I fucking hate you" "Liar" "You'll destroy me" His lips finally meeting hers, slow and possessiv...