Alibi (Pt. 2 - W.M.)

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Wanda's POV

As I flew up to the rooftop where Peter liked to perch, the cool night air brushed against my face, a sharp contrast to the warmth of my lingering thoughts

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As I flew up to the rooftop where Peter liked to perch, the cool night air brushed against my face, a sharp contrast to the warmth of my lingering thoughts. It was a prime spot—high enough to see everything, yet concealed from view. As I settled in next to Peter, my eyes instinctively scanned the familiar surroundings, and that's when I noticed it. The bar where Y/N worked was just across the street. A wave of frustration washed over me, tightening my chest. I had hoped that tonight would clear my mind, give me some distance, but instead, it only brought me closer to the very person I was trying not to think about. Of all the places in the city, why did it have to be here?

"Hey, Wanda!" Peter greeted, his voice bright and full of energy, cutting through my spiraling thoughts. "Nice night for a stakeout, huh?"

I forced a smile, trying to push thoughts of Y/N aside. "Yeah, it is. I hope we get the chance to catch them tonight. We need to get to the bottom of this."

Peter nodded, his eyes already scanning the streets below with the intensity of someone eager to do good. "I just hate the idea of someone out there using their powers to hurt people. It's not right."

I nodded in agreement, but my mind kept drifting back to Y/N. The conversation I had with Vision replayed in my head, his words echoing in the quiet space between Peter and me. Maybe he was right. Maybe Y/N was just scared. I wouldn't blame her for being cautious. After all, it wasn't easy being around someone with my powers and reputation. The thought of Y/N being afraid of me or being put off by who I am only added to the frustration gnawing at me.

I sighed quietly, glancing at Peter to make sure he hadn't noticed my distraction. Thankfully, he was still focused on the street below, seemingly unaware of the turmoil inside me. I appreciated his presence, his lightheartedness, but it wasn't enough to drown out the emotions swirling within.

"So, how are you doing?" Peter's question pulled me back to the present, his tone gentle but probing.

I shrugged, trying to sound casual, even though my thoughts were anything but. "I'm fine, just... thinking."

Peter glanced at me, his expression curious and a bit concerned. "Thinking about the mission or something else?"

I sighed again, knowing I couldn't keep my thoughts from him, especially with how observant he could be. "A bit of both, honestly."

"Is it about that girl you were talking to at the bar? The one you told Vision about, and Pietro overheard and then told me?"

I hesitated, stunned but not surprised. "Pietro overheard? And then told you? I swear, I'm gonna kill him."

Peter chuckled, turning to me and lifting his mask just enough for me to see the sincerity in his eyes. "He did, but in his defense, he was worried about you. I won't say anything, Wanda, I promise."

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