fuck society

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Fuck society

And the unrealistic fantasies they set

Fuck society

And the wars happening around the world

Fuck society

And the government for taking our money

Fuck society

For having such high standards

Fuck society

And the amount of children who are left without parents

Fuck society

For sexualising children

Fuck society

And those struggling on the daily

Fuck society

And hating on those who are different

Fuck society

And pushing teens mental health to the edge

Fuck society

And racism

Fuck society

And sexism

Fuck society

For making fun of people who like different genders

Fuck society

For abuse

Fuck society

For drugs

Fuck society

For ignoring our children's cries

Fuck society

For making fun of other people's hobbies

Fuck society

For not paying enough attention to those in need

Fuck society

For not speaking up for our country

Fuck society

For messing our whole fucking generation up

- taylor

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