U + Me

3 0 0

U + Me equals to a mathematical problem
Solve for x but there's no answer at the bottom

Believe me I tried calculating the variables
But no matter what, the answer is still unattainable
Y you ask? Because this equation is unexplainable

Remember the X you told me not to worry about
Yeah the one you said left a mark
I know you still see him in the dark

He still is the flame in your life
And I guess that makes me just a spark

But I'm not perfect
There was a X I had to subtract
I told you I did just so you don't overreact

But as our arguments multiplies
Our attention to solve this problem divides
I am no mathematician but
The sum just don't add up and after so many tries
Maybe it's about time to say our final goodbyes

- Lowkie ©

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