29. Mother First

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It was her daughter using her key again, maybe going shopping in her kitchen. She was asleep in her room after a long week of work and no Nikko because she needed her rest and she never got enough with him.

"What's going on?" She slipped on her house slippers and a robe and left her room to see what was up with her daughter.

"Mom, there is no food in here. What's going on?"

"Oh my bad, I'm rarely here to even shop, so-"

"If you're rarely here then, where are you?" Her daughter looked her over then a big smile spread over her face. "You and daddy are back together?"

She rolled her eyes at that. "No. Not now or not ever. Morah, what do you need? I can take you shopping since you obviously never do it for yourself."

"Mom! Where have you been staying if not at home. Stop being weird."

"Well, if you must know...I have met someone."

Her daughter dropped the shopping bag she held. Then her daughter just stood there, looking at her.

"What Morah, you have something to say?"

"What do you mean you're seeing someone? As in, some guy? Some random guy and not dad?"

She moved past her daughter and looked in the cabinet, for any food she could give her daughter to take with her. She was not ready to have this conversation with her. Even though things went fine with Nikko's mother, everyone else would not be so open minded.

"Is this why you weren't at granddaddy's Easter dinner? Tell me something."

"I'm not sure when you became the mother and I became the child, so therefore, I do not have to tell you a thing about my personal life. Just know your father and I are divorced. I can see anyone I want, and so can he."

"But...but...dad wants you back."

There was no way in hell. What was her daughter talking about?

"Your father and I are on good terms. He did not contest the divorce. I did not take any of his money." Although that would have been nice. "He knew the marriage was over for years, so we're good."

"You wouldn't give him another chance?"

She looked at her child that suddenly grew two heads. "No! What can you not understand? I do not love that man. Sometimes I question if I ever did. I stayed with him because of you and your brother."

"So I was a mistake? You'd rather I have not been born and then you would have never been with dad."

She let out an exasperated sigh. "I have said no such things. You and your brother are the best things that ever happened to me. I love you dearly. Whatever happened between me and your father had nothing to do with you two."

She rubbed her daughter's back. "I just want you to understand that. I've moved on."

"How can you date someone else so quickly?"

"It's been two years!"

"That's not enough. Dad is not seeing anyone."

"Okay?" What was she supposed to say to that. The last time she saw that man was after their last court date together. She did not hate him, but there was no need for them to ever hang out again.

"What's this new guy name?"


"Nikko? Mom! What kind of name is that? Ugh, are you serious?" She stomped out of the kitchen into the living room. "And since you have no food here I guess you have been shacking up with him. Ugh! I don't want to know."

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