Chapter 8

8 1 0

Catherine's POV

I never knew how funny I was until I had Garett Wyman slapping his rib cage.

A smile crept on my face. I liked that somebody got my humour. "And that is how I murdered my mom's fishes."

"You're a real sadist, Catherine." He sobered up sitting up on the bench from where he was prior leaning. "I can't believe you only joined now. If you did back then you'd be the most popular girl there is."

"I don't like popularity." I muttered swiping another card as he put down a yellow 2. "Now play you bozo. I've been beating your ass for an hour."

"Okay woman reign in that overconfidence." He countered groaning as I slapped a four plus down. "This is rigged as fuck."

"Say what you will." I laughed as he lamely put out a zero.

"Are you going to Holt's? Tonight for the party?"

I hum calling out an uno. "Yeah. Iris has been begging me to go ever since she found out there's going to be an open bar."

My disgusted expression made Garett press forward as he swiped up a spare card. "You don't like drinking?"

"Not as much as she does. I like...a nice wine."

"Tell me you're posh without telling me you're posh." He teased good natured as I threw a reverse.

"I'm not." I tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "I just am unfortunately related to people who are."

"It can't be all bad."

Trust me. You don't even know the grain of it.

"I guess." I opted for a lie instead because it was easier than discussing sore topics with him. I didn't like discussing them with anyone but Iris and that only limited too.

I couldn't risk somebody else hating me as well since my side of the story always cut short with pissed expressions.

"I grew up in the city. It gets pretty loud you'd think until you come here and you can't sleep until somebody is yelling."

I chuckled throwing down the last of my cards. "NYC?"

He growled at the loss and flicked his cards away. "Yeah. Born and raised. My parents are from Switzerland."

"Oh so we do have an idea about riches." I sauntered easily batting him off with conversation banter.

"Yeah. I guess we do-" His words were cut short when he stared at something behind my shoulder. I followed his gaze to find Greyson standing there with a usual pissed off expression as he stalked towards us like a raging bull.

I made a face and spun on the bench to face him but he didn't address me at all. Instead he started yelling at Garett. "Where the fuck have you been? Twenty minutes I've been searching your ass and we still don't have a defendant? Do you know what fucking it is!?"

Garett looked at me with an embarrassed look. "I'm sorry, Cap. I didn't know we had practice today-"

"Well if you spent less time ogling girls and more time checking your inbox we wouldn't have this fucking problem now would we? Get the fuck up and get on the field before I bust your balls for holding everyone up. Get going!" He looked red in the face as Garett got up running away without a goodbye.

I turned around packing the deck of cards into a box ignoring Greyson's presence. I wasn't going to talk to him. Ignorance worked right now and if he was as foul as he felt then I would hate him even more for saying the wrong shit.

"I don't want you distracting my teammates." That snapped my head at him.


"I know you heard me the first time, Catherine." He said his lips thin. The sound of my name jumped my heart. I hadn't heard him say that name since two years and I don't know why it was startling me now.

Maybe because it felt like this wasn't a bad nightmare. This was reality. We actually existed in front of each other and this was breaking the fourth wall.

"I couldn't hear you over that bullshit line you just pulled." I got up which was bad move because it just reminded me how short I felt under his towering body. And fucking hell was he massive. "I didn't distract anybody."

"Yeah. You fucking did. Do. First Rhys and now Garett. Who's next?" He said exuding every bit of arrogance that I thought had fled him.

The money got to his head. Dick.

"Yeah well your teammates might not be thinking straight if conversations rile them up. Or maybe you're a bad Captain at reminding them of their responsibilities." Greyson's jaw ticked as he opened his mouth and then closed it before looking at me again.

"I don't want you near them if you can't-"

"Nope. You don't get to dictate that. I'm not one of your players, Greyson. I'm not on that fucking field under your fucking authority. I'm under the Dean's and if you like I can address to her how all the boys have gotten sensitive balls next to the girls. You want to be the first case or are you going to push the blame on Rhys and Garett like the good captain you are." I don't where these words were coming from but they were charging at full speed in anger that seemed to flicker right through his eyes too.

I watched him cross his arms - the action making his muscles bulge against that tight jersey - and stare at me amusedly. "Alright, smartass. You've got quite the mouth for this, no? It's just a friendly warning. Don't twist it."

"Don't fucking tell me what to do."

"I won't if you don't get involved in my business."

"How is this your business, again?"

"The fact that my player hasn't been on the field for twenty minutes is alarming. Especially since Coach is also mad as fuck and the name that would come next to Garett would be yours. Now tell me? Does that sound like a good case?" His cockiness irked me further but he wasn't fucking wrong.

He wasn't right either.

I clenched my jaw and turned around. "Fuck off."

He snorted which made me turn around again. "Some captain you are. Complaining about tardiness and here you are fighting with a girl over your own incompetence. Don't you have better things to do?"

"You're just a bite of sunshine." He grumbled shaking his head. "I don't know why I bothered-" He muttered walking away and when he was a safe space away I threw two middle fingers in his direction before snatching my bag up and flinging the cards away.

Greyson Reid had always been a golden-classed grade A asshole.

I blow out a frustrated breath and go to my next class because murder was not an option.

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