Chapter 38

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Greyson's POV

I didn't think I would be going to this Halloween party but Catherine was adamant. I didn't have the heart to decline and it seemed I didn't have the choice either.

Dressed in jeans and a black button down with a gold chain I was confused as to why the costume she showed me wasn't on my body and relieved I wasn't in leather when my thigh felt like it was splitting.

I felt kind of guilty she couldn't dress up in that costume as well. The thought of her in tight leather that traced her perfect curves was the epitome of my excitement for the prior week.

I still had no clue what that girl was up to all that I had to bring my crutches since I was soo good at throwing them around.

Tapping the TV remote I switched through channels ignoring the football ones because I knew I couldn't take it. Not being on the field was killing me every single day. The guys on the team were nice and respectful but I couldn't help but feel frustrated every time I saw them on the field and not me.

Coach had let me watch them and realised quickly how much it bit him in the ass when I would yell or groan instructions that fell on deaf ears. They were trying to get me involved but I was too much of a bastard to stay on the sidelines.

I was becoming a pain in everyone's ass. Including my own and my body was on fire every second of it because I couldn't keep still.

Every muscle strain was hitting back at me and my stitches were becoming worse.

I didn't know how much longer I could bear the pain...the fucking painkillers weren't fucking and physically therapy was becoming humiliating. I could barely walk without needing to fall back down.

I was a wreck.

Waking me up from my depressive thoughts my phone pinged and I looked down to see Catherine's message.

Cath: Coming up in five x

I quickly typed out my response.

Me: Take your time, baby x

Tossing my phone on the other side of my couch I helped ease my neck muscles that were knotted. Not being able to turn on my sides easily caused my neck to suffer a lot.

I think in general I was suffering a lot. A great deal of my thoughts were plagued by my father's insufferable prick of a brother.

When Keith walked into my hospital room I lost my cool. When he took the kids in his car to drive back to the house I lost in again. I was always fucking losing it over him because I hate his guts - plain and simple.

His apology? Bullshit. You don't show up out of the blue because you gained a fucking conscious. You own up to your morals every day and that means not leaving your sister-in-laws kids to suffer at the hands of your alcoholic brother and worst of all it doesn't mean you don't show up to her funeral because your schedule didn't align. After taking loans from my parents and earning himself a good spot at a law firm he's decidedly forgotten his relationships. Not once did he think well maybe an eighteen year old kid cannot handle it all. Or maybe he should have thought that when that kid was ten he watched his mother lose herself every single day for eight years whilst remaining strong and needing support.

He didn't fucking care and he didn't care now too. It was all a lie - no doubt some conniving ploy in the mix.

I would figure him out. I would go through deep lengths for that regardless of his "pure" intentions. My siblings won't suffer my fate. Never that.

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