Call It What You Want

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"My baby's fly like a jet stream/ High above the whole scene, loves me like I'm brand new/ So call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to/ All my flowers grew back as thorns/ Windows boarded up after the storm/ He built a fire just to keep me warm/ All the drama queens taking swings/ All the jokers dressin' up as kings/ They fade to nothin' when I look at him"

Ariel Rojas: I didn't like Nicky. I tried, I really did, but as tour carried on, I just [sighs] he made me uncomfortable. I didn't trust him and I didn't like him.

Unfortunately, Ariel realized quickly, Nicky was right about the two of them being thrown together on the sidelines frequently throughout tour. It was really only after shows that she got away from him, choosing to avoid the rowdy party crowd. The problem with that though was that meant avoiding Warren after shows as well. Ariel mainly stayed off the "Daisy bus", and when she did go it would only be for short bursts at the beginning of the night before she made her exit to the "Billy bus". Warren would always ask if she wanted him to go with her and she always told him no, knowing that he wanted to party with his friends.

Ariel spent more time with Billy on tour than she would've expected going in. It was almost like when they were in rehab together, their tight bond was coming back. Ariel appreciated it because during the making of the album and her court case they had drifted apart a bit. She knew Daisy got under his skin but as they spent more time together she was less concerned about it than she had been. Maybe she was being naive but with all the time they spent together the fact that they just didn't talk about Daisy or Nicky, felt like the right thing. After concerts they'd go running or watch bad T.V or get take out. In the mornings, since they weren't partying all night, they were usually the first ones up. They'd get coffee or go sightseeing if they had the time.


Billy Dunne: It was just nice to have someone else who kind of got me with me. I was worried about staying sober this tour, of course I was... Ariel really tried to be there for me. She was there for me.

Ariel Rojas: We really had a lot of fun. Billy's always been like a brother, even when we've fought and when I can't understand his choices, we're family. He made a lot of that tour better than it would've been. It's a shame people thought we were cheating. I'd never do that.

Daisy Jones: I mean, I didn't really think about what Billy was doing for most of tour but I suppose I thought it was a little weird that they would spend so much time together.

Eddie Roundtree: If I didn't know Ariel so well I would've thought there was cheating happening, sure. I didn't really trust Billy's loyalty and they spent a lot of time together without anyone around. If Warren crashed on the Daisy bus Ariel would stay with Billy all night, I mean that's a little [shrugs]. But I'd know Ariel since we were kids, it was hard to believe that she'd do that. It was Nicky who started the rumor anyway, so, you know...

Warren Rojas: I never believed that bullshit. Ariel wouldn't cheat on me just like how I would never cheat on her. Sure, it sucked that we didn't get to spend as much time together as I would've liked but I always respected her sobriety, if she didn't want to be around people doing drugs I wasn't going to make her. Her and Billy were friends, I trusted them.


Ariel and Billy walked in to the private room where breakfast/lunch had been set up for the band. Everyone else was there, looking like they'd just gotten up, and they turned to look at the laughing pair as they came in. Like second nature, Ariel and Warren found each other as soon as they were in the same room. She left Billy's side for her husband.

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