Chapter 2: Lunch & Signs

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Kyle's POV:

Waking up, I opened my eyes.. only to see that i was laying down, in a strange.. Pitch black room. I woke up from the floor, trying to think of where the hell am i.

I stood up, looking around me. I began to walk around while looking to the right and left. There's no walls.. But how?

I began to walk faster and faster, until i eventually went running. After a while, I got tired. I decide to stop for a moment to refill my stamina.

"Hello..? Is someone there?"

I said, trying to know if i was alone. But.. Guess not.

As I saw someone from the distance. It was a guy wearing a hazmat suit, his hairstyle.. Looks familiar.. To someone i know.. And he was just standing there.. Mena- completely still, like a statue.

"Uh hey, You there! Do you know where we are right now..?"

I said, asking the person. But they didn't answer.

I keep asking them the same question multiple time while making my sound louder, until i eventually got annoyed and frustrated, I decide to get closer to the guy.

I stopped as i was closer to the person. I gasped.. As i realized that the guy.. Was none other than Jinn..

"J-Jinn..? Y-You... I thought you.."

Jinn turned around and then he looked at me, deep into my soul. it was so, eerie.

"Why didn't you save me?"
Jinn.. Says..

(Flashback moment :])

I froze at the question...

But suddenly.. Everything went black...



I slowly opened my eyes. blinded by the lights, I covered them with my hands, until my vision goes back to normal.

I get up from my bed, trying to process what just happened. I was having a dream of Jinn again. For the 45 times.

I stared blankly at the floor, when I once again, Remembering that time.. The time we were swarmed by a horde of gootraxian, when there's a blackout going on. we fought them and quite holding them back a bit before suddenly more gootraxian comes in and swarmed at him.

Knowing i had a machete with me, I could easily fought them off.

But at that time, I'm still not very confident on fighting, I tried to look for help but everyone have gone into the bunker where they will be safe from any danger. I tried to make myself confident but it didn't work.

Having no choice but to leave my friend out in the gootraxian swarms, I ran away as fast as i can from the room, looking back at Jinn one last time while tears coming out of my eyes. I saw him got pretty injured, he fell to the ground and then looked at me with widened eyes and expression of shock.

My eyes also widened when a Pseudo shark suddenly comes out from the gootraxian crowd and lunged at him, holding him by his neck and lift him up.

I stopped running once i saw it happened, My thought is full of regrets, pity, and also Anger. I decide to help him and not run away like a coward. I held my machete very tightly, Then ran into the room, but the automatic door that leads into the room won't open.

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