Chapter 14

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                                                                                                     March 21th, Saturday

Athena Mikaelson

It's been a few days since I made the decision that I would leave with Blaise when it's time and I still haven't told anyone. it's the weekend so the students are allowed into the town but because Mr.Saltzman doesn't even want the me out of the school my mom has to come with me. I haven't seen her since last November, I am happy to be spending time with her tomorrow.

Mom will get to meet Blaise, she doesn't know that we finished the bond. My dad doesn't even know that Blaise exists. I know how he is going to take the fact that I am leaving, I won't be surprised if he tried to lock me in a sell for the rest of my life and kill Blaise. I'm telling Hope today, Blaise has let me know that tomorrow while I'm spending time with my mom in the town of Mystic Falls, he'll be spending time with Hope there too. He says that there's something he's looking for and only Hope can help him find it.

Hope and I sat uncomfortably in her room, the silence eating us. Hope has always been overprotective of me, I knew that it didn't matter how much she loved Blaise because she would kill him if he ever hurt me.

"Ok enough of this stalling are you pregnant, I know that you did it" Hope rushed out quickly.

"No Hope" I gasped.

"Then spill" she rolled her eyes.

"inSeptemberblaiseisgoingbacktoEuropeforschoolandI'mgoingwithhim"I rushed out. Silence fell over us again, emotions ran heavy on her face.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE" Hope jump off the bed pacing and yelling. I could feel her anger mixed with her magic coming out of her.

"Please let me finish" I asked with my head down, Hope stopped pacing but didn't change her expression.

"The only reason Blaise came to our school was to learn how to control his powers, he wasn't supposed to be staying nor was he expecting there to be a reason for him to stay. There's a war going on where he's from, and his best friends are unwillingly a part of it and he doesn't want to leave them to fight it on their own because they're his family" I say hoping she would understand.

"so you're telling me that you want to leave to a whole another country that has a war going on, risking your life for some boy all because he wants to save his friends who threw their lifes away, that's not your problem if he wants to risk and throw his life away for friendship that's on h-"Hope stopped when she heard my growling, it took everything in me not to snap her neck right where she stood.

"first of all do not speak of his family that way and he is not just some boy. He's my soulmate, my husband, everything that nobody else in this world could ever be. I see the look on his face when he speaks of them, they mean the world to him. If they were dying on the battlefield while he was happy here, he would never forgive himself. He would carry that guilt as if it was his fault for the rest of his life, I know if I asked him to stay he would, but I would never do that to him but I also can't stay here, knowing that he's risking his life not only that, but it was slowly kill us being that far away from each other" I speak sternly while looking away trying to calm myself down, I knew that she hadn't meant what she said but I would not sit there and allow her to disrespect my mate.

"I'm sorry but you can't just throw things like that on me and I hope you don't think you're going alone" Hope too had calm down, She sat beside me on the bed pulling me into a hug.

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